Showing 1 - 10 of 23
Die Anrainerstaaten des Persischen Golfs sind mit etwa 40 Prozent der weltweiten Exporte die bei weitem wichtigste Anbietergruppe auf dem Weltrohölmarkt. Nach Europa gehen etwa 13 Prozent der Rohölausfuhren der Golfstaaten und sechs Prozent der Ausfuhren an Erdölprodukten. Von den Golfstaaten...
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This paper estimates an earnings function for Sri Lanka, followed by a decomposition analysis of male-female earnings suggest that the gender disparity in earnings largely represents "discrimination" against women. The findings showed that irrespective of their "inferior" labour market...
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This paper examines the factors that influence QWL and investigate the relationship between QWL and satisfaction among employees working in the Oil and Gas companies in the State of Qatar. While much of the attention been directed to the concept of QWL in developed countries, it has received...
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In den zentralasiatischen Ländern Kirgistan und Tadschikistan müssen viele Erwachsene ihre Familien zeitweilig verlassen, um sich in anderen Regionen oder Ländern einen Arbeitsplatz zu suchen. Die Geldüberweisungen an die Familien stellen in beiden Ländern einen erheblichen wirtschaftlichen...
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It is systemic to expound how that the speculative behaviors are driven by the number of a series housing policies promulgated by China's government for the real estate market. The market is resulted in full of speculative behaviors, and has been booming since the beginning of this decade, even...
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This paper evaluates the economic development of China using the New Economic Geography (NEG) as a framework of analysis. The NEG addresses the formation of agglomeration economies accruing to physical linkages in one location leading to the formation of a coreperiphery pattern between the...
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This paper examines the causal relationship between financial development, economic growth and financial crisis in the five Asian emerging economies (India, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand) during the period 1982 to 2007. All of these countries are known as emerging economies with...
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Convergence across regional economies has spurred one of the most debatable issues in contemporary research in economics. In this paper we seek to address the question of whether, during the period 1995-2004 the NUTS-2 regions of EU-26 exhibited a tendency to converge in terms of agricultural...
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This study examines the time series behavior of investment in physical capital, human capital (comprising education and health) and output in a co-integration framework, taking growth of primary gross enrolment rate and a dummy for structural adjustment programme (openness which has been...
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This study examines the relationship between economic growth as measured by GDP per capita and foreign direct investment for Singapore, using the methodology of Granger causality and vector auto regression (VAR). Evidence shows that there is a unidirectional Granger causation from foreign direct...
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