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Orthodox and heterodox economists have promoted different liberalization measures in the economy in accordance with its vision for agriculture and manufacturing sectors. In this paper, we try to determine the impact of external terms of trade and domestic (the latter considers foreign trade...
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This paper presents a critical analysis of some of the techniques which are applied in practice to obtain composite indicators from a previous sub-indicator system. In studying each methodology, we identify the advantages and disadvantages associated with them, paying particular attention to...
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Introduction: Common approaches in cost-effectiveness analyses do not adjust for confounders. In nonrandomized studies this can result in biased results. Parametric models such as regression models are commonly applied to adjust for confounding, but there are several issues which need to be...
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The financial sector particularly the mutual funds in Oman market have shown limited potential to attract consumers. Consumer attitudes towards financial investments have always been a challenge for the finance companies due to limited risk appetite of consumers which are largely attributed to...
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In this paper we study the presence of calendar anomalies in the main Latin- American stock markets, for the 1993 to 2007 period. The literature has shown that the detection of those effects may depend on error distribution assumptions (Baker et al., 2008), and that their existence could be due...
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Deriving a functional form for a series of prices over time is difficult. It is common to assume some linearly estimable form for prediction purposes. While this can produce accurate short run forecasts it fails to identify longer trends and patterns that may exist in financial data....
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the financial development and economic growth in Latin American countries. First, we show the high correlation between financial system indicators and GDP. Second, we test out that regardless the financial structure of each...
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We examine whether and how investors' reliance on financial information is affected by the rate of sales growth of a start-up venture. We find that investors discern between firms by the extent to which their products are adopted by the market. For firms that failed to increase their sales since...
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This paper shows that the observed output of any market, placed within the confine of a quadratic map, can characterize the state of that market. Such an approach explains the process of market share’s growth and its pitfalls, the consequences of broken symmetry of scaling, as well as the...
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Portfolio Theory has during many decades been considered as the holy grail of investment despite the fact that very few empirical studies in the public domain have shown that portfolio theory outperforms a random equal weighted portfolio. We will in this paper empirically investigate how...
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