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The Swedish health care system is to a large extent publicly managed by 21 local county councils. During recent years there has been a movement were local county councils have opted to allow more of the production to be performed by alternative producers (i.e. private firms, cooperatives etc.)....
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In this paper we analyze the links between health status (measured by selfreported illness occurrence) and individuals’ socioeconomic situation. Using the annual households surveys of Uruguay for the period 1991 to 2000, we compute probit models and find that men, unmarried, young people,...
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We analyze data on happiness for Argentina and Uruguay. The focus is put on self-reported health status as a key aspect in increasing happiness levels. Then, the probabilty of being happy is estimated by probit models. Results show that the main relationship is between happiness and health...
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In Europa steigt die Zahl der Hochbetagten drastisch an. Viele von ihnen sind längerfristig in den Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens eingeschränkt und auf Pflege durch Familienangehörige oder professionelle Dienste angewiesen. Wie wird die Pflege in Europa organisiert und finanziert? In...
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Die demographisch bedingte Zunahme alter und sehr alter Personen, verbunden mit der deutlichen Verringerung der Personen im erwerbsfähigen Alter, stellt für den Bereich der Pflege eine große Herausforderung dar. Ein Großteil der Pflegebedürftigen wird zwar heute durch Familienangehörige zu...
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Jugendliche rauchen häufiger, treiben seltener Sport und sind öfter übergewichtig, je niedriger der Schulabschluss ihrer Mutter ist. Das zeigt eine Studie des DIW Berlin auf Grundlage von Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP). Zumindest ein Teil dieser gesundheitsbezogenen Unterschiede...
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The article is an attempt at diagnosing training needs of the employees of units operating in health care sector in the Podkarpacie Province. In times of permanent changes affecting each sphere of economy, providers of health care services cannot afford to remain outside this trend. Improving...
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The paper examines the corporate governance mechanism of the control model (or insider control system) by looking at both the motivation for management to deviate from following their principal's wishes and whether the supervising body, the board of directors would correct them. Some...
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Deregulation and progress in information and communication technologies have increased the geographical expansion of banking structures and instruments. This makes banks operationally close to the borrowers. At the same time, banking industry consolidation have induced a geographical...
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