Showing 1 - 10 of 54
Während manche Länder in der Europäischen Währungsunion aufgrund von Schulden- und Strukturkrisen tief in der Rezession stecken, steht die deutsche Wirtschaft derzeit glänzend da. Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist auf den niedrigsten Stand seit der Wiedervereinigung gefallen, die Wirtschaftsleistung...
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The paper investigates exchange rate determination in Kenya using vector error correction model approach to uncover the long run relationships. The empirical results show that current account balance has a role to play in the determination of the exchange rate. A rise, which denotes an...
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This study investigated companies publicly listed in Taiwan from 2002 to 2010 to examine whether independent directors improve the quality of earnings and analyzed whether the control rights of a controlling shareholder mitigate the impact of independent directors on earnings quality. Empirical...
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This paper analyses recycling of waste and downgrading of secondary resources using a classical type of production model represented by a Sraffian model. Residuals emitted as waste by households and secondary resources obtained by recycling of waste are negatively or positively priced, depending...
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This paper uses cross country regression analysis on a large set of countries to consider two hypotheses. The first is that increased public debt as a percentage of the economy reduces confidence in financial institutions. The second is that increased public debt relative to the economy lowers...
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Today it's frequently used the terms PIGS or PIIGS, acronyms used by economic journalists to refer to different countries of the European Union for their statement of affairs. The bad connotation is evident from the fact that pigs in English suggest the bad state of the economies of these...
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The classical APT model is of the form r j - E(r j) = beta j(I - EI) + epsilon j, where r j - E(r j) is the earning deviation (called basic ariance-profit) of the security j, I is a common factor. This paper considers the impact on the securities return caused by the skewness and kurtosis of the...
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This article examines the impact of news about the Bank of Japan monetary policy announcements regarding the Japanese yen, US dollar, and the Euro interest rates. Whether or not the announcements from the monetary authorities impact the domestic markets is related to the success of their...
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This paper provides future researchers of economic structure with a model for building a social accounting matrix (SAM), that is, a unique countrywide database for use in structural analysis, and applies this model to the empirical investigation of the economic structure of Pakistan. Our...
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Die Industrie in Deutschland hat bis zum dritten Quartal das Produktionsniveau des Vorjahres knapp halten können. Sie stand einer im Jahresverlauf stark rückläufigen Nachfrage aus dem Inland und dem Euroraum und einer leicht steigenden Nachfrage aus dem Nicht-Euroraum gegenüber. Für das...
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