Showing 1 - 10 of 29
Das Ziel, mehr Frauen in Spitzengremien der Wirtschaft zu berücksichtigen, findet sowohl in der Öffentlichkeit als auch in der Politik immer stärkere Beachtung. Die Forderungen nach einer Frauenquote und die öffentlichkeitswirksame Bestellung von vier Frauen in die Vorstände der...
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Die unternehmerische Selbständigkeit hat in Deutschland in den letzten 20 Jahren einen starken Aufschwung erfahren. Die Zahl der Selbständigen ist zwischen 1991 und 2009 um 40 Prozent gestiegen. Verantwortlich für diese Entwicklung sind die Nachholprozesse in Ostdeutschland, der...
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Trotz der Selbstverpflichtung der Wirtschaft zu mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen waren 2012 nur vier Prozent aller Vorstandsund fast 13 Prozent aller Aufsichtsratssitze in den Top-200-Unternehmen in Deutschland von Frauen besetzt. Dies entspricht einem Anstieg von jeweils einem Prozentpunkt...
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This paper examines responses to questions on wage setting features in Slovenia’s Wage Dynamics Network (WDN) survey in the institutional and macroeconomic context of the Slovene economy. The question on collective wage agreement did not capture the prevailing institutional arrangement of...
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This paper analyses the links between financial constraints and firm export behaviour, at the firm level, by using data on Portuguese manufacturing enterprises. Previous empirical literature has not yet reached a consensus on these subjects and there is a great heterogeneity in measuring...
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This study investigates three competing but complementary perspectives on factors related to entrepreneurial firm growth. We examine individual (entrepreneur) firm and national environment factors associated with the growth expectations of nascent, baby and established firms. Using 25,384 data...
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This paper evaluates the relative financial managerial performance of thirty matched-pairs of US firms and Chinese (CN) firms. In this study, financial managerial performance is measured in terms of profitability, debt management, and asset management. Paired comparison is employed and eight...
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As it is emphasized in marketing, management, and strategic management literature, "market orientation", "learning orientation", and "innovativeness" are regarded together as having a significant impact on a firm's performance. The objective of this study is to find out the interrelationships of...
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This research investigates the relationship between the budgetary participation and the managerial performance in a developing country context (Jordan). Managerial performance is measured using the modified nine items of (Mahoney et al., 1965). It uses the questionnaire method as the main method...
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One of the most important goals of a business unit is creating value and wealth for its shareholders and attracting them for more investment. The success of management, and consequently the success of the business unit, is measured by the level of value created for its shareholders. Economic...
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