Showing 1 - 10 of 21
The paper examines the implications of financial reform and interest rate behaviour on economic growth in Nigeria. The cointegration and error correction model were used on time series data from 1970-2006. The results demonstrate that financial reform and interest rates have significant impact...
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This paper uses cross country regression analysis on a large set of countries to consider two hypotheses. The first is that increased public debt as a percentage of the economy reduces confidence in financial institutions. The second is that increased public debt relative to the economy lowers...
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Seit der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/2009 sind die Staatsschulden in fast allen OECD-Ländern deutlich gestiegen. Die Europäische Schuldenkrise hat sich in den letzten Wochen wieder verschärft. Mit Zwangsanleihen und einmaligen Vermögensabgaben könnten Privathaushalte mit hohen...
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Die japanische Wirtschaft zeigt nach der Natur- und Atomkatastrophe Erholungserscheinungen. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt ist wieder kräftig gestiegen. Dazu haben nicht zuletzt staatliche Ausgabenprogramme beigetragen, die die binnenwirtschaftliche Nachfrage stützen. Allerdings hat sich dadurch die...
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This paper will examine the sustainability of the central budget and its relation to the financial stability in the case of Indonesia. The standard model of fiscal sustainability is modified to cover some financial variables. The empirical estimates are done by employing several aspects of the...
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In the context of the increasing budget deficit and public debt, on one hand, and the need to restore economic growth without compromising financial stability and fiscal sustainability on long term, on the other hand, governments must undertake severe measures concentrated especially on...
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Self-governments are given new tasks without guaranteeing resources for their completion, an example of which is lowering the school obligation age.There are also some savings of the state budget at the expense of territorial selfgovernment. All these and other changes, including those planned...
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Staatliche Schulden sind in aller Munde. Die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise Europas ist nicht zuletzt eine Krise staatlicher und kommunaler Verschuldung. In Deutschland rücken neben den Schulden von Bund und Ländern auch die Verpflichtungen der Kommunen wieder ins Zentrum der Betrachtung. Mit...
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Portfolio Theory has during many decades been considered as the holy grail of investment despite the fact that very few empirical studies in the public domain have shown that portfolio theory outperforms a random equal weighted portfolio. We will in this paper empirically investigate how...
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In any economy, the banking industry is a highly regulated industry owing to the fact that the industry is considered as the engine of economic growth and development. The objective of this research is to analyze financial performances of pre and post consolidation program in order to determine...
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