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This paper performs a system cointegration analysis of UK money demand based on real money, real income, the … opportunity cost of holding money, and inflation for the period 1873 - 2001. As a novelty we account for the effect of the world … link from excess money to inflation. The long-run structures are reasonably stable, although the information in the data is …
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prices (long-run cointegration relationship), which follows the assumptions of the P-star inflation model. The results also … during the transition period. The study makes use of the monetary inflation model known as the P-star model, originally … cointegration, developed by Hylleberg, Engle, Granger and You in the beginning of 90-ties. The main hypothesis has been verified …
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The article investigates the determinants of consumer price inflation in China. While inflation has been entirely …
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In this paper, we analyze the twin deficits hypothesis covering the period from 1994 to 2012 in Turkey. In contrast to previous studies on Turkey, the existence of twin deficits is investigated by regime-dependent impulse response functions and forecast error variance decompositions based on a...
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Harry Johnson’s 1971 ideas about the factors affecting the success of the Keynesian Revolution and the Monetarist Counter-revolution are summarised and extended to the analysis of the Rational Expectations - New Classical (RE-NC) Revolution. It is then argued that, whereas Monetarism brought...
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equation, and inflation was driven mainly by the money gap. After a striking changeover, from 1983 until 2000 the demand for … currency took a very different form, and inflation was determined by the markup without an explicit effect from money. However …
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The ECB concept of analysis of deviation of actual money stock development from its long run equilibrium development is based on the assumption that bigger deviation signalizes risks for the price stability. The ECB considers three measures of this deviation: nominal money gap, real money gap...
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Based on a standard model of money demand, this paper first shows that a relationship between money supply and prices may be substantially weakened when money demand is highly interest-elastic, and then presents empirical evidence for this implication using the Japanese money market data for the...
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appropriate lag order and test for cointegration by means of the Bartlett corrected trace test. I estimate the long-run money … and check the stability of the resulting cointegration relationships. …
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problem of spurious regression. When existent, cointegration is the simplest way of eliminating the illogical correlation … established between time series due to the presence of trends. The analysis of macroeconomic time series through cointegration is … a common fact. Modelling the Romanian M2 money demand through cointegration and vector error correction led to somewhat …
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