Showing 1 - 10 of 118
Mit der Einführung des europäischen Emissionshandelssystems kommt es zwangs-läufig zu einer Überschneidung der Regelungsbereiche mit der in Deutschland be-reits existierenden Ökosteuer. In diesem Artikel wird diskutiert, inwieweit durch die direkte und indirekte Interaktion beider...
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This paper studies the effects of environmental policy on the farmer’s soil optimal management. We consider a dynamic economic model of soil erosion where the intensity use of inputs allows the farmer to control soil losses. Therefore, inputs use induces a pollution which is accentuated by the...
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Government policies that are not intended to address environmental concerns can nonetheless distort prices and affect firms' emissions. We present an analytical general equilibrium model to study the effect of distortionary subsidies on factor prices and on environmental outcomes. We model an...
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This paper considers the problem of an imperfectly informed regulator constrained in his choice of environmental regulation by the political opposition of those affected by the policy. We compare the value of two types of information to the regulator: the social cost of pollution and the...
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In this study, a basic comparison between the Pigouvian and the Coasean approaches is carried out in order to discuss and comment on the mechanisms by which externalities are resolved. Environmental control approaches are examined and compared in terms of minimization of abatement costs,...
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"The so-called Environmental Sector produces technologies, products and services that prevent or reduce environmental damages. On the background of growing environmental problems such as climate protection this sector seems to be more and more important. Contrary to that, a theoretical model...
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"The so-called Environmental Sector produces technologies, products and services that prevent or reduce environmental damages. On the background of growing environmental problems such as climate protection this sector seems to be more and more important. Contrary to that, a theoretical model...
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Ein Kritikpunkt am Kyoto-Protokoll lautet, dass Emissionen durch Spezialisierung und internationalen Handel ins Nicht-Kyoto-Ausland verlagert werden könnten (»Carbon Leakage«). Die Analyse sektoraler Importströme und die damit einhergehenden CO2-Importe zeigen, dass Kyoto-Länder ihr...
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Lässt sich der Beitrag eines Landes zum weltweiten Klimaschutz an der Veränderung seines CO2-Ausstoßes messen, wie es …
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Eine strengere Klimapolitik in einem Teil der Welt kann zu Verschiebungen der komparativen Vorteile führen und damit zur Verlagerung der Herstellung besonders CO2-intensiver Güter in Länder mit laxer Klimapolitik. Die Analyse einer Datenbank mit den Footprints von 40 Ländern zeigt, dass die...
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