Showing 1 - 10 of 139
We present a new heteroskedastic conditional variance model using NonLinear Moving Average as the basis for this specification [NLMACH(q)]. The typical problem of this class of models-i.e., noninvertibility—is solved by means of an intuitive parametric restriction; this allows us to use...
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This paper presents a GARCH type volatility model with a time-varying unconditional volatility which is a function of macroeconomic information. It is an extension of the SPLINE GARCH model proposed by Engle and Rangel (2005). The advantage of the model proposed in this paper is that the...
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Ever since the appearance of the ARCH model [Engle(1982a)], an impressive array of variance specifications belonging to the same class of models has emerged [i.e. Bollerslev's (1986) GARCH; Nelson's (1990) EGARCH]. This recent domain has achieved very successful developments. Nevertheless,...
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Ever since the appearance of the ARCH model (Engle 1982a), an impressive array of variance specifications belonging to the same class of models has emerged. Despite numerous succesful developments, several studies seem to show their performance is not always satisfactory see Boulier (1994). In...
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We observe from the late 1990s an increasing phenomenon of volatility on these following markets: Oil (WTI price), Foreign Exchange (nominal Euro/Dollar), Stock Market (S&P 500 Index) and Bond market (U.S.10-Year). After seizing the concept of volatility and overcoming its first definition of...
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This paper deals with statistics�and econometrics�properties of fractionally integra- ted GARCH (FIGARCH). We compare these characteristics with those of traditional models. We insist on the GARCH exponential/IGARCH in�nite decrease of volatility impact. Then, we apply it on three Tunisian...
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This paper focuses on nominal exchange rates, specifically the US dollar rate vis-à-vis the Euro and the Japanese Yen at a daily frequency. We model both absolute values of returns and squared returns using long-memory techniques, being particularly interested in volatility modelling and...
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In this paper we examine the statistical properties of several stock market indices in Europe, the US and Asia by means of determining the degree of dependence in both the level and the volatility of the processes. In the latter case, we use the squared returns as a proxy for the volatility. We...
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Recent work by Engle and Lee (1999) shows that allowing for long-run and short-run components greatly enhances a GARCH model’s ability fit daily equity return dynamics. Using the risk-neutralization in Duan (1995), we assess the option valuation performance of the Engle-Lee model and compare...
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