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Some Remarks on Lujo Brentano's View of Labor Market Problems Lujo Brentano (1844-1931) aimed for "realism" in economics. Regarding labor market theory, two topics are of particular interest: His investigations on "Hours and Wages in Relation to Production" (Scribner's 1894) and his analysis "On...
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The Estonian electricity market will be fully opened in 2013. Given ever-stricter environmental standards limiting the use of domestically available oil shale as main fuel for electricity generation and expansion of regional power pools, it is widely believed that Estonia’s currently low...
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Manufacturing employment has continuously declined in developed economies for more than decade time, but service sector in turn has significantly grown. Services also include warehousing, which connects customers and globally concentrated manufacturing units together. In this manuscript we...
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A curious ownership structure is found in Northern Europe – foundations that own <p> and operate business companies. The foundations are non-profit entities, they have no <p> members and no owners, and they cannot be dissolved, but regard it as a goal in itself <p> to run a business. In many cases...</p></p></p>
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The rationale and policy proposed by two collaborating projects is to increase innovation through improved connectivity among SMEs within Northern European supply chains. To inform project policy, we test the hypothesis "improvement in broadly defined connectivity as online business activity,...
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The milk sector has received much attention in Europe due to the abolishment of milk quotas in 2015 and its potential effect on the geographical distribution of milk production across countries. As a way of assessing the competitive advantage of Nordic EU countries, we investigated the...
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Roundwood markets in Northern Europe have changed significantly due to the enlargement of EU in 1995 and 2004, and the formation of a common currency union between the 12 EU countries in 2001. However, wider research on the larger context of interaction between national markets in European Union...
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Die EUROCONSTRUCT-Studiengemeinschaft kam zu dem Ergebnis, daß sich der Rückgang der Bauproduktion 1993 im Durchschnitt der betrachteten Länder beschleunigen wird. Besonders stark werden die gewerblichen und die öffentlichen Bauinvestitionen eingeschränkt. Lediglich für den Wohnungsbau und...
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In der Bundesrepublik ist der Verbrauch von Faltschachteln von 1979 bis 1989 um ca. ein Fünftel gestiegen. Hauptabnehmer sind der Nahrungs- und Genußmittelsektor mit ca. 50% und die Konsumgüterchemie mit ca. 25%. Nach Ländern aufgegliedert sind die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Finnland,...
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Um den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt demografiefest zu machen, bedarf es einer stärkeren Aktivierung des Potenzials weiblicher Erwerbspersonen bei gleichzeitiger Steigerung der Geburtenrate. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt Handlungsoptionen zur Lösung dieser beiden zentralen Zukunftsaufgaben auf und...
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