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This paper considers the problem of pricing American options when the dynamics of the underlying are driven by both stochastic volatility following a square-root process as used by Heston [<italic>Rev. Financial Stud.</italic>, 1993, <bold>6</bold>, 327--343], and by a Poisson jump process as introduced by Merton [<italic>J....</italic>
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This paper extends the integral transform approach of McKean [<italic>Ind. Manage. Rev.</italic>, 1965, <bold>6</bold>, 32--39] and Chiarella and Ziogas [<italic>J. Econ. Dyn. Control</italic>, 2005, <bold>29</bold>, 229--263] to the pricing of American options written on more than one underlying asset under the Black and Scholes [<italic>J. Polit. Econ.</italic>, 1973,...</bold>
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The conditional CAPM with time-varying betas has been widely used to explain the cross-section of asset returns. However, most of the literature on time-varying beta is motivated by econometric estimation using various latent risk factors rather than explicit modelling of the stochastic...
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How do traders process and learn from market information, what trading strategies should they use, and how does learning affect the market? This paper proposes a learning model of an articial limit order market with asymmetric information to address these issues. Using a genetic algorithm as a...
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This paper empirically assesses heterogeneous expectations in asset pricing. We use a maximum likelihood approach on S&P500 data to estimate a structural model. Our empirical results are consistent with a market populated with fundamentalists and chartists. In addition, agents switch between...
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The primary purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of a number of structurally different methods to numerically evaluate European compound option prices under Heston’s stochastic volatility dynamics. Therefore, we first outline several approaches that can be used to price...
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The paper presents an agent based model to study the possible effects of different fiscal and monetary policies in the context of debt deflation. We introduce a modified Taylor rule which includes the financial position of firms as a target. Monte Carlo simulations show that an excessive...
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Volatility swaps and volatility options are financial products written on discretely sampled realized variance. Actively traded in over-the-counter markets, these products are often priced by continuously sampled approximations to simplify the computations. This paper presents an analytical...
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The early exercise opportunity of an American option makes it challenging to price and an array of approaches have been proposed in the vast literature on this topic. In <i>The Numerical Solution of the American Option Pricing Problem</i>, Carl Chiarella, Boda Kang and Gunter Meyer focus on two...
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We provide analytic pricing formulas for Fixed and Floating Range Accrual Notes within the multifactor Wishart affine framework which extends significantly the standard affine model. Using estimates for three short rate models, two of which are based on the Wishart process whilst the third one...
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