Showing 1 - 10 of 144
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, den Entwicklungsstand und die Wirtschaftlichkeit des wichtigsten Betriebszweigs vieler landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen in der Ukraine, der Getreideproduktion, zu analysieren. Als methodisches Instrumentarium werden dabei die...
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Food prices have steadily risen since the 1990s, and price were especially volatile in the years 2008 and 2010. This trend has also been reflected in the European grain market, which presents all European companies along the food value chain with new challenges. This paper focuses on the impacts...
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В статье проанализировано современное состояние действующей системы получения информации субъектами зернового рынка. Проведенный анализ системы получения...
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The article analyses the modern state of the existing system of obtaining information by the grain market subjects. The conducted analysis of the system of obtaining information by grain storing and processing enterprises shows that it does not meet modern requirements. The article reveals main...
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Austria's economic relations with Ukraine (by V. Astrov; pp. 1-3) Keywords economic cooperation, neighbourhood policy Countries covered Austria, Ukraine Topics International Trade and Competitiveness; Foreign Direct Investment; Economic Integration NMS grain production in 2009 calm on the market...
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A tanulmány bemutatja a hazai gabona keresletében bekövetkezett vertikális és horizontális átrendeződést és annak hatásait. A kérdőíves megkeresés és a mélyinterjúkból született válaszokat felhasználva, klaszteranalízis segítségével lehetővé vált a felvásárlói...
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Based on China's Agricultural Regional Market Equilibrium Model (CARMEM), the paper projects the production and consumption of rice, wheat and maize in China toward 2010 at both national and regional level under two different scenarios. The results show that China can ensure a stable grain...
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The following Discussion Paper aims to analyse the development path and profitability of grain production in Ukraine, which is one of the most important production branches of most Ukrainian agricultural companies. Methodologically, individual farm analysis and horizontal farm comparison are...
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