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Aggregation of productivity indices is known to be consistent under very restrictive conditions only. This paper quantifies the aggregation inconsistency. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2005
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This paper seeks to investigate the interaction between favoritism and allocative efficiency. The issue of whether corruption distorts allocative efficiency in a bribery game under a pre-existing environment of alleged favoritism is considered. It is demonstrated that if there is no unambiguous...
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In the past few years, the government has developed and installed a unique model of performance-based budgeting known as the Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF). The OPIF demonstrates the relationship between an agency’s programs, activities, and projects (PAPs), the goods...
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Inflation may enhance the efficiency of the price system in the presence of nominal rigidities. For the price system to function efficiently there is a need for nominal prices to adjust both to real and nominal shocks for relative prices to disseminate the appropriate signals. Since the...
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best understood - and can be related to monopoly-theory results - using the fact that consumer surplus equals the area …
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The paper discusses efficiency issues in the public provision of environmental services, in particular waste water treatment. It is shown that in the face of increasing, respectively decreasing returns to scale the zero profit constraint of a cost minimizing public firm induces underinvestment,...
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It has been argued that poor productive performance is one of critical sources of stagnation of the African manufacturing sector, but firm-level empirical supports are limited. Using the inter-regional firm data of the garment industry, technical efficiency and its contribution to...
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An efficient, interim individually rational, ex post budget balanced Bayesian mechanism is shown to be payoff equivalent to an ex post individually rational and ex ante budget balanced dominant strategy mechanism. This result simplifies the search for mechanisms that implement efficient...
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