Showing 1 - 10 of 125
This study examines in the cross-section the association between excess return and systematic risk measured in the downside framework. Two measures of risk in the downside; downside beta and downside co-skewness are investigated. Both downside risk measures perform poorly compared to the CAPM beta...
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In the multiscaling approach, a time series is decomposed into different time horizons referred to as timescales. In this article, we investigate the risk-return relationship in a downside framework using timescales. Two measures of downside risk; downside beta and downside co-skewness are...
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This paper investigates the association between portfolio returns and higher-order systematic co-moments at different timescales obtained through wavelet multi-scaling, a technique that decomposes a given return series into timescales enabling investigation at different return intervals. In...
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The finite sample performance of the Wald, Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) and Likelihood Ratio (LR) tests of multivariate asset pricing tests have been investigated in several studies on the US financial markets. This article extends this analysis in two important ways. Firstly, considering...
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This paper examines whether the adoption of specific corporate governance practices, and, in particular, adherence to an overall code of governance practice, is associated with agency cost benefits for companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Using a private and voluntary...
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The paper examines the existence of tax-based dividend clienteles using the novel environment of Australia, which has operated a full dividend imputation system since 1987. The analysis jointly focuses on the tax-based preferences of five categories of shareholders, including both domestic and...
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This paper provides an investigation of the valuation and agency consequences of corporate governance policy. This is achieved by examining variation in voluntary adoption by Australian listed firms, during the period from 1992 to 2002, of corporate governance frameworks representative of the...
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This paper evaluates whether directors of target companies make response recommendations in takeovers which are consistent with the interests of shareholders, by examining the relationship between target director recommendations and associated takeover characteristics and ownership and corporate...
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