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After more than two decades of agrarian change in Tajikistan, farming structures seem to crystallise. The first signs towards farm individualisation were observed only around 2000, which were the result of significant pressure from outside, when the post-conflict state was highly susceptible to...
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Zentralasien, abgesehen von einigen Fällen in Kirgisistan, bisher kaum teil an globalen Wertschöpfungsketten. Beispiele aus den …
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This paper studies the implications of the presence of a large speculator like George Soros during a contagious currency crisis. The model proposes a new contagion channel and shows how a currency crisis can spread from one country to another even when these countries are totally unrelated in...
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El caso analiza al inversor internacional George Soros y su entorno. Se pretende mostrar una serie de operaciones financieras que reflejen sus estrategias de inversión. Adicionalmente, se pretende que los alumnos asuman la figura del Administrador de un HEDGE FUND, especializado en inversiones...
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This discourse explores and illuminates a fundamental problem, the Achilles' heel, which dominates the hedgefund industry: namely, that hedgefunds no are not positioned to accomplish what they were designed to do: namely, hedge against catastrophic loss in the financial markets. Contemporary...
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The Alchemy of Finance, a book written by George Soros (1987) on the workings of financial markets, 'has found a place in the reading lists of business schools as distinct from economics departments', according to the author (2003, 4). His theory of reflexivity, which is at the center of the...
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Die vorliegende empirische Studie befasst sich mit dem biologischen Lebensstandard der Bevölkerung in vier zentralasiatischen Transformationsländern: Kasachstan, Kirgistan, Turkmenistan und Usbekistan. Zum einen wird die Entwicklung des biologischen Lebensstandards der Bevölkerung in der...
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Die fünf zentralasiatischen Länder, Kasachstan, Usbekistan, Kirgistan, Turkmenistan und Tadschikistan, bilden ein Areal von fast 4 Mill. km mit einer Gesamtbevölkerung von etwa 55 Mill. Einwohnern. Der Reichtum der Region an mineralischen Rohstoffen konzentriert sich auf Kasachstan,...
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Der Bericht befasst sich mit der Wirtschaftslage und den Reformprozessen nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September in den Ländern Zentralasiens. Es wird dargestellt, welchen Stand die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung erreicht hat und welche Probleme in der zentralasiatischen Region bislang ungelöst...
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This article outlines those economic losses and attempts to impress upon the reader the potential for further disruptions at a regional level. There is a wasted economic potential in the youthful and increasingly well educated populations of Muslim countries, confined to poverty and handouts...
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