Showing 1 - 10 of 18
"With an ageing German work force, the relationship between work and workload with individual health and workability is of increasing public interest. The German Cohort Study on Work, Age and Health 'lidA - leben in der Arbeit' is designed to further investigate precisely this relationship,...
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"This research examines changes in job values of women and men from 1980 to 2000 using data from the ALLBUS. Here we address the question of whether gender differences in job values are of particular importance to explain sex segregation in the labour market. Our results suggest that men tend to...
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"For some time now the working world has been becoming more heavily characterised by information processing. Ever more people in the labour force are employed in sectors dominated by it. Occupations are becoming more widespread in which information processing prevails, requiring the application...
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"This research examines changes in job values of women and men from 1980 to 2000 using data from the ALLBUS. Here we address the question of whether gender differences in job values are of particular importance to explain sex segregation in the labour market. Our results suggest that men tend to...
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In einer modernen wissensintensiven Wirtschaft ist Humankapital der Schlüssel zur Sicherung des Arbeitskräfteangebots und des Produktivitätszuwachses. Humankapital wird nicht nur in Schulen, sondern auch in der Familie und in Betrieben gebildet. Daher ist ein Gleichgewicht von Arbeit und...
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"For some time now the working world has been becoming more heavily characterised by information processing. Ever more people in the labour force are employed in sectors dominated by it. Occupations are becoming more widespread in which information processing prevails, requiring the application...
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Die Bedeutung von Konjunkturumfragen und die daraus gewonnenen qualitativen Daten haben gerade in der Zeit eines beschleunigten sozialen und strukturellen Wandels stark zugenommen. Globalisierung, neue Technologien, rasanter Wertewandel, immer kürzere Produktzyklen, verschärfter Wettbewerb und...
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Vom 28. bis 30. Juni 2002 veranstaltete die Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Peter Hampe (Akademie Tutzing) und Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl Homann (Universität München) eine Konferenz zu dem Thema »Ethos oder Ellbogen? Zu den Wertgrundlagen der Sozialen...
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"Income inequality in Germany has been increasing continuously during the past 20 years. In general, this is understood as an increase in inequality of wages due to changes in bargaining power of employees. However, the role of changing household structure is widely neglected. Societal trends...
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"In Abgrenzung von berufsbedeutsamer Vorbildung, Berufsausbildung und Berufsfortbildung befaßt sich der Beitrag mit einem spezifischen Aspekt beruflicher Weiterbildung, nämlich mit Informationen über das 'gesellschaftliche Umfeld' von Arbeitsorganisationen. Es wird dargelegt, was darunter zu...
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