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level. We use a comprehensive dataset for dairy farms in Germany for the period 1995 to 2010. Based on a directional …
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The paper assesses the performance of Water User Associations (WUAs) in the Republic of Macedonia. We assess performance in terms of membership rates, the satisfaction of members with their WUA and payment behaviour. Econometric analysis reveals that membership and satisfaction are positively...
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The paper empirically investigates credit access and borrowing costs in Poland's rural financial market. We conduct an econometric analysis based on cross-sectional survey data including formal loans taken in the period 1997-1999. A hedonic regression of the effective interest rate, comprising...
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The aim of this paper is to empirically analyse the effects of governmentally promoted credit access on the investment behaviour of credit rationed farmers. This is done by specifying an empirical investment equation which is estimated on a cross-sectional sample of Polish farm household data....
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Die Studie stellt die Bruttolohn- und Tariflohnentwicklung von Arbeitnehmern in der Privatwirtschaft und Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst seit der Wiedervereinigung gegenüber. Dabei werden auch Sonderleistungen (wie Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld, Überstundenzuschläge usw.), flexible...
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This study was prepared by Elke Lüdemann while she was working in the Department Human Capital and Innovation of the Ifo Institute. It was completed in July 2011 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Economics Department of the University of Munich (LMU). The subject of this study is a micro...
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-contained empirical studies. All studies aim at contributing to the understanding of the determinants of educational outcomes in Germany …
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In Bezug auf Bildung und Ausbildung werden in Deutschland durch die Bildungsberichte und auf europäischer Ebene mit der …
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Germany, where subsidized child care is rationed and private child care is only available at considerably higher cost. I use a … discrete choice panel data model controlling for unobserved heterogeneity to simultaneously estimate labor supply and the …
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Germany, where subsidized child care is rationed and private child care is only available at considerably higher cost. I use a … discrete choice panel data model controlling for unobserved heterogeneity to simultaneously estimate labor supply and the …
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