Showing 1 - 10 of 42
En este trabajo se intenta determinar si hay o no convergencia, y si esta es absoluta o condicional, entre el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) real per capita de 6 paises. Se efectua un analisis de cointegracion siguiendo un enfoque similar al de Bernard y Durlauf. Salvo en el caso de Canada-Estados...
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This paper attempts to characterize the convergence process among the Mexican state during the period 1970-1995.The proposed methodology uses dynamic panel data models without exogenous regressors,under the stationarity assumption.It is argued that the Breusch-Pagan (1980) LM-test and the F-test...
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This paper investigates the relationship between the agricultural technological level and R&D expenditures, human capital, and openness to international trade using cross-country information for a sample of 104 countries and various subsamples over the period 1961-91. The unobservable...
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The most common approach used in international comparisons of agricultural productivity and technological change is generally based on Cobb-Douglas production functions. Similarly, the technological level is usually modeled as a linear deterministic trend. In this paper, we propose more general...
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This paper uses structural vector autoregression (SVAR) models to characterize the dynamic impact of fiscal policy on national saving. SVARs have extensively been used in case of monetary policy. Data adjusted for inflation, capital flight, the value loss of debt and cyclical effects, is used...
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This paper extends Andrews' [1993] median-unbiased estimation for autoregressive/unit root time series to panel data dynamic fixed effects models. It is shown that median-unbiased estimation applies straightforwardly to models that include linear time trends as well as to those including more...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir las propuestas de desarrollo industrial existentes para el caso peruano. Esta discusión se ha1la a la luz de las experiencias de industrialización seguidas por los países en desarrollo, a fin de identificar los elementos cruciales para el diseño de una...
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In this paper, we propose a dynamic error-components model to represent the unobserved level of technology. This specification implies a well-defined common factor dynamic model for per capita output that can be tested explicitly. The model is applied to data on aggregates of agricultural inputs...
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In this paper we investigate the relationship between the agricultural technological level and R&D expenditures, human capital and openness to international trade using cross country information for a sample of 104 countries and various sub samples over the period 1961-1991. We first model the...
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This paper uses the switching probability regimes methodology to estimate the determinants of financial crisis, measured in changes in the stochastic regimes of interest and exchange rates. We use Mexico to perform the exercise. Results suggest that public debt structure is important in...
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