Showing 1 - 10 of 10
"A considerable number of people, particularly the older unemployed, exhibit a variety of barriers to placement. Integrating them into employment constitutes a challenge for labor market policy. The current research report presents the results of a program aimed at older persons receiving...
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"With the 'First Act for Modern Services on the Labour Market' (Hartz I), an innovative earnings insurance scheme for older workers was introduced in 2003: anyone above the age of 50 who, in order to end or avoid unemployment, takes up a job paying much less than his/her previous employment,...
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"The low productivity of eastern German enterprises is frequently seen as an fundamental reason for them failing to expand and consequently contributing little to easing the strain on the eastern German labour market. In this study the IAB establishment panel of 1997 is used as a basis for...
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Arbeitsbedingungen einschliesslich der Sozialbeziehungen im Betrieb beeinflussen die Haeufigkeit und Laenge der krankheitsbedingten Fehlzeiten. Gegenstand der folgenden Untersuchung sind die Ursachen der hoeheren Krankenstandsquoten von aelteren Beschaeftigten, und insbesondere, ob die...
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"The low productivity of eastern German enterprises is frequently seen as an fundamental reason for them failing to expand and consequently contributing little to easing the strain on the eastern German labour market. In this study the IAB establishment panel of 1997 is used as a basis for...
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"With the 'First Act for Modern Services on the Labour Market' (Hartz I), an innovative earnings insurance scheme for older workers was introduced in 2003: anyone above the age of 50 who, in order to end or avoid unemployment, takes up a job paying much less than his/her previous employment,...
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The objective of the paper is to present findings from a health promotion programme for long-term unemployed older job seekers in Germany and to discuss conditions for successful linking health and employment promotion.
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Auf der Grundlage des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) wird die Austrittsmobilität auf dem ostdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt in den 1990er Jahren analysiert. Nach sehr starken Anfangsturbulenzen 1990/91 gingen die Austrittsraten etwas zurück, verblieben aber im Vergleich zu Westdeutschland auf hohem...
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In the demographic change, a prolongation of individual employment and thus of beginning a new employment in later stages of the work life is of growing importance. On the base of microeconomic data (establishment panel of the IAB), this paper analyses firms’ characteristics correlating with...
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Angesichts des demographischen Wandels gewinnen die Verlaengerung der Erwerbstaetigkeit und damit auch die Bedingungen fuer Neueinstellungen im letzten Drittel des Erwerbslebens an Bedeutung. Dieser Beitrag untersucht auf mikrooekonomischer Grundlage (IAB-Betriebspanel) betriebliche Merkmale,...
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