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The long-run and short-run structure of the Danish manufacturing export sector is analyzed within a cointegrated vector autoregressive model. The price variables of the analysis can be characterized as integrated of second order, I(2), but long-run homogeneity seems to cancel the I(2)-trend...
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This paper performs a system cointegration analysis of UK money demand based on real money, real income, the opportunity cost of holding money, and inflation for the period 1873 - 2001. As a novelty we account for the effect of the world wars by estimating additive data corrections, allowing...
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This paper presents the likelihood ratio (LR) test for the number of cointegrating and multi-cointegrating relations in the I(2) vector autoregressive model. It is shown that the asymptotic distribution of the LR test for the (multi-) cointegration ranks is identical to the asymptotic...
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Estimated characteristic roots in stationary autoregressions are shown to give rather noisy information about their population equivalents. This is remarkable given the central role of the characteristic roots in the theory of autoregressive processes. In the asymptotic analysis the problems...
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Relationships between the Federal funds rate, unemployment, inflation, and the long-term government-bond rate are investigated with cointegration techniques. We find a stable long-term relationship between the Federal funds rate, unemployment, and the bond rate. This relationship is...
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This paper presents likelihood analysis of the I(2) cointegrated vector autoregression with piecewise linear deterministic terms. Limiting behavior of the maximum likelihood estimators are derived, which is used to further derive the limiting distribution of the likelihood ratio statistic for...
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This paper performs a multivariate cointegration analysis of UK money demand 1873–2001, and illustrates how a long-run time series analysis may be conducted on a data set characterized by turbulent episodes and institutional changes. We suggest accounting for the effects of the two world wars...
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The effects of innovational outliers and additive outliers in cointegrated vector autoregressive models are examined and it is analyzed how outliers can be modelled with dummy variables. A Monte Carlo simulation illustrates that additive outliers are more distortionary than innovational...
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The effects of innovational outliers and additive outliers in cointegrated vector autoregressions are examined and it is analyzed how outliers can be modelled with dummy variables. Using a Monte Carlo simulation it is illustrated how misspecified dummies may distort inference on the...
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We characterize the restrictions imposed by the minimal I(2)-to-I(1) transformation that underlies much applied work, e.g. on money demand relationships or open-economy pricing relationships. The relationship between the parameters of the original I(2) vector autoregression, including the...
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