Showing 1 - 10 of 23
Die Steuerplanung internationaler Unternehmen, die durch geschickte Kombination von Regelungen ihre Steuerbelastungen gegen null senken, und die Steuerpolitik einiger Länder stehen in der öffentlichen Kritik. Johanna Hey, Universität zu Köln, verweist darauf, dass es bei der Bekämpfung sog....
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Repatriation taxes reduce the competitiveness of multinational firms from tax credit countries when bidding for targets in low tax countries. This comparative disadvantage with respect to bidders from exemption countries violates ownership neutrality, which results in production inefficiencies...
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Repatriation taxes reduce the competitiveness of multinational firms from tax credit countries when bidding for targets in low tax countries. This comparative disadvantage with respect to bidders from exemption countries violates ownership neutrality, which results in production inefficiency due...
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This paper analyzes the effectiveness of thin-capitalization rules in preventing debt finance by intercompany loans and explores their consequences for corporate decisions. A theoretical discussion emphasizes that limitations of the deduction of interest owed to foreign affiliates would not only...
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Deutschland befindet sich inmitten einer intensiven Debatte über die Unternehmensbesteuerung, deren treibende Kraft der internationale Steuerwettbewerb ist. Sind die Unternehmenssteuern in Deutschland tatsächlich zu hoch? Wie sollte eine Reform der Unternehmensbesteuerung ausgestaltet sein?
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Derzeit werden zwei Konzepte für die im Jahr 2008 geplante Reform der Unternehmensbesteuerung diskutiert: zum einen die Duale Einkommensteuer des Sachverständigenrates in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Max Planck-Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht sowie dem Zentrum für...
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Ulrich Schreiber discusses the economic and legal aspects of the corporate income tax reform and considers its effects for both inbound and outbound foreign investment. With respect to the latter, the reform makes foreign equity financed investment more attractive. At the same time, it may...
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The capital structure of foreign affiliates is analyzed using a large panel of German multinationals. While taxes are found to encourage debt finance in general, adverse local credit market conditions result in lower external borrowing but higher internal debt indicating that the two channels of...
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This paper investigates the quality of information on tax planning performance which is provided by financial accounting based on IAS 12 (Income taxes). A simple theoretical investment model is used to show that reported tax expenses can be misleading as an indicator of tax planning performance,...
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