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We propose a unified framework for the pricing and hedging of chooser options on lognormal assets. This includes e.g. exchange or inflation rates under stochastic interest rates or equities under stochastic interest rates and dividend yields. This extends and includes chooser options under...
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This paper presents the primary institutions and economic policies that have led to Chile’s remarkable record of stability and growth over the past twenty years. The core of this policy stance is the combination of fiscal discipline and an open trade policy regime, together with carefully...
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Many countries have moved towards more flexible exchange rate regimes over the last decade to take advantage of greater monetary policy autonomy and flexibility in responding to external shocks. Some reluctance to let go of pegged exchange rates persists, however, despite the benefits of...
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This paper presents a methodf or calibrating a multi currency lognormal LIBOR Market Model to market data of at-the-money caps, swaptions and FX options. By exploiting the fact that multivariate normal distributions are invariant under orthonormal transformations, the calibration problem is...
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This paper deals with the valuation and the hedging of non-path-dependent European options on one or several underlying assets in a model of an international economy allowing for both, interest rate risk and exchange rate risk. Using martingale theory and, in particular, the change of numeraire...
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Measuring and managing exchange rate risk exposure is important for reducing a firm's vulnerabilities from major exchange rate movements, which could adversely affect profit margins and the value of assets. This paper reviews the traditional types of exchange rate risk faced by firms, namely...
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We deal with the valuration and hedging of non path-dependent European options on one or several underlyings in a model of an international economy which allows for both interest rate and exchange rate risk. Using martingale theory we provide a unified and easily applicable approach to pricing...
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This paper examines the sensitivity of financial sector stock returns to two risk factors – interest rates (both long-term and short-term) and exchange rates. Specifically we investigate the impact of the European Union and the introduction of the euro on European financial sector risk in the...
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We argue that monetary policies in euro-candidate countries should also aim at mitigating excessive instability of the key target and instrument variables of monetary policy during turbulent market periods. Our empirical tests show a significant degree of leptokurtosis, thus prevalence of...
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information asymmetries when delivering credit to the poor. This paper proposes an empirical method to address the potential …
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