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We propose a general framework to assess the value of the financial claims issued by the firm, European equity options and warrantsin terms of the stock price. In our framework, the firm's asset is assumed to follow a standard stationary lognormal process with constant volatility. However, it is...
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This paper studies the problem of pricing contingent claims in a market which has frictions in the form of costs, such as penalty functions corresponding to constraints. An arbitrage-free interval is identified, and a fair price based upon utility functions is proposed. It provides a framework...
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In this paper, we study a class of time-inconsistent analogs (in the sense of Hu et al. (Time-inconsistent stochastic linear–quadratic control. Preprint, <CitationRef CitationID="CR13">2012</CitationRef>) which is originated from the mean-variance portfolio selection problem with state-dependent risk aversion in the context of financial...</citationref>
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It is shown how, even when the market is incomplete, certain contingent claims are attainable: that is, they can be represented as stochastic integrals with respect to the process which describes the evolution of the asset prices. Copyright 1995 Blackwell Publishers.
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In this paper, we revisit and clarify the celebrated machine maintenance and sale age model of Kamien and Schwartz (KS) involving a machine subject to failure. KS formulate and solve the problem as a deterministic optimal control problem with the probability of the machine failure as the state...
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Diagnostic knowledge-based systems are used in a variety of application domains to support classification decisions. The effectiveness of such systems often decreases as the application environment or user preferences change over time. Hence, frequent adjustments to the system knowledge by a...
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We propose a general framework to model equity volatility for a firm financed by equity and additional non-equity sources of funds. The stochastic nature of equity volatility is endogenous, and comes from the impact of a change in the value of the firm's assets on the financial leverage. We...
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We study an economy in which the rate of change of population depends on population policy decisions. This requires population as well as capital as state variables. By showing the algebraic relationship between the shadow price of the population and the shadow price of the per capita capital...
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