Showing 1 - 10 of 36
This paper proposes a methodology for modelling time series of realized covariance matrices in order to forecast multivariate risks. The approach allows for flexible dynamic dependence patterns and guarantees positive definiteness of the resulting forecasts without imposing parameter...
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This paper proposes a methodology for modelling time series of realized covariance matrices in order to forecast multivariate risks. The approach allows for flexible dynamic dependence patterns and guarantees positive definiteness of the resulting forecasts without imposing parameter...
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This paper proposes a new method for forecasting covariance matrices of financial returns. The model mixes volatility forecasts from a dynamic model of daily realized volatilities estimated with high-frequency data with correlation forecasts based on daily data. This new approach allows for...
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This paper analyzes the forecast accuracy of the multivariate realized volatility model introduced by Chiriac and Voev (2010), subject to different degrees of model parametrization and economic evaluation criteria. Bymodelling the Cholesky factors of the covariancematrices, the model generates...
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In this paper we introduce a new method of forecasting covariance matrices of large dimensions by exploiting the theoretical and empirical potential of using mixed-frequency sampled data. The idea is to use high-frequency (intraday) data to model and forecast daily realized volatilities combined...
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The recent financial crisis has raised numerous questions about the accuracy of value-at-risk (VaR) as a tool to quantify extreme losses. In this paper we present empirical evidence from assessing the out-of-sample performance and robustness of VaR before and during the recent financial crisis...
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The asymptotic efficiency of the indirect estimation methods, such as the efficient method of moments and indirect inference, depends on the choice of the auxiliary model. Up to date, this choice is somehow ad hoc and based on an educated guess of the researcher. In this article we develop three...
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This note solves the puzzle of estimating degenerate Wishart Autoagressive processes, introduced by Gourieroux, Jasiak and Sufana (2009)to model multivariate stochastic volatility. It derives the asymptotic and empirical properties of the Method of Moment estimator of the Wishart degrees of...
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This paper proposes a new method for forecasting covariance matrices of financial returns. the model mixes volatility forecasts from a dynamic model of daily realized volatilities estimated with high-frequency data with correlation forecasts based on daily data. This new approach allows for...
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