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describe the most typical features of capital markets like volatility clustering, excess kurtosis and fat tails. As empirical … evidence shows asymmetry is also a prominent feature of stock market returns volatility. The reaction of risk if stock returns …
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This paper deals with the issues of identification and estimation in the canonical model of contagion advanced in … in the paper. It is proved that neither identification nor Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) estimation of the …
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This paper presents a canonical, econometric model of contagion and investigates the conditions under which contagion can be distinguished from inter-dependence. In a two-country (market) set-up it is shown that for a range of fundamentals the solution is not unique, and for sufficiently large...
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Even if one could not say that governments and international organizations took the most appropriate rescue and/or stimulus packages, the worst effects of the financial crisis seem to be overcome. Signs of recovery occurred in the developed countries by the end of 2009, but the question of...
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The open financial economic systems of six Asian countries Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia and Japan - over the period 1986 through 1995 are identified from empirical data to determine how their stock markets, economies and financial markets are interrelated. The objective is...
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An important question in international finance is to what extent stock return volatility is influenced by country … low volatility states over the past 30 years, and show that the contribution of industry and country factors to stock … return volatility varies markedly across such states. In particular, we find that the country factor contribution drops …
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its turn, this common factor might be traced back mainly to financial markets volatility. Due to the particularly benign …
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This paper builds a general test of contagion in financial markets based on bivariate correlation analysis - a test that can be interpreted as an extension of the normal correlation theorem. Contagion is defined as a structural break in the data generating process of rates of return. Using a...
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common factor can be traced back mainly to financial market volatility. Once we have controlled for a set of idiosyncratic …
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