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This article argues that hunger in Canada, while being an outcome of unemployment, low incomes, and inadequate welfare … commodification of welfare and the corporatization of food, the depoliticization of hunger by governments and the voluntary sector … domestic right to food as expressed in international human rights law. The interconnectedness of hunger, welfare, and food …
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This article compares two transnational public–private partnerships against hunger and malnutrition, the Global … Alliance for Improved Nutrition and the International Alliance Against Hunger with regard to their degree of business …
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Food insecurity, and its extreme form, hunger, occur whenever the accessibility to an adequate supply of nutritional … hunger, and 3.5% being food insecure with moderate to severe hunger). This means that approximately 10 million households … insecurity and hunger is information technology (IT), since its use and range of application continue to grow at astonishing …
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The Atlas of African Agriculture Research & Development is a multifaceted resource that high­lights the ubiquitous nature of smallholder agriculture in Africa; the many factors shaping the location, nature, and performance of agricultural enterprises; and the strong interde­pendencies among...
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L Indice Globale della Fame 2013 (GHI), relativo ai dati del periodo 2008-2012, mostra che la fame mondiale e diminuita di un terzo rispetto al 1990. Nonostante i progressi, il livello della fame nel mondo rimane "grave", con 870 milioni di persone a soffrirne, secondo le stime...
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The 2013 Global Hunger Index (GHI), which reflects data from the period 2008 to 2012, shows that global hunger has … improved since 1990, falling by one-third. Despite the progress made, the level of hunger in the world remains serious, with …
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El acusado aumento de los precios de los alimentos en el periodo 2006-2008 desató el temor de una inseguridad alimentaria generalizada a nivel mundial. Además de los cambios acaecidos en la oferta y la demanda de algunos productos básicos, la tendencia alcista también ha podido verse...
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The drastic increase of food prices in the period 2006-2008 spurred fears of global food insecurity. Apart from actual changes in supply and demand of some commodities, the upward swing might also have been amplified by speculation in organized futures markets. However, limiting or banning...
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L'augmentation drastique des prix des denrées alimentaires sur la période 2006-2008 a suscité des craintes concernant l'insécurité alimentaire mondiale. Outre les changements réels de l'offre et la demande de certains produits de base, la tendance à la hausse pourrait aussi avoir été...
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