Showing 1 - 10 of 717
L’aide étrangère afflue de manière disproportionnée vers les pays en développement les plus pauvres : en effet, les pays qui représentent un cinquième de la population mondiale la plus démunie reçoivent plus d’un cinquième de l’aide provenant des pays de l’OCDE.
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Foreign aid flows disproportionately to the poorest among the developing countries. Countries that account for the poorest fifth of world’s population receive more than a fifth of aid spending from OECD countries. Similarly, the benefits of trade flow likewise to more prosperous countries: the...
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This paper studies interactions between aid and three other major North-South flows : international trade, FDI and migrations. It mainly focuses on the question of whether aid is allocated to countries that are benefiting from the other flows considered here or the reverse. It appears that aid...
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This paper studies interactions between aid and three other major North-South flows : international trade, FDI and migrations. It mainly focuses on the question of whether aid is allocated to countries that are benefiting from the other flows considered here or the reverse. It appears that aid...
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Cet article s’inscrit dans une réflexion générale sur la cohérence des politiques suivies par les pays du nord dans leurs relations avec les pays du sud. Il s’interroge sur les interactions entre les politiques d’aide, les politiques commerciales, les investissements directs étrangers...
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Ce document présente la première application du modèle macro-micro exposé dans le document technique no 1 "Macroeconomic Adjustment and Income Distribution. A macro-micro Simulation Model". Ce modèle est appliqué sur la période 1980-86 au Maroc qui a engagé un programme de stabilisation...
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Identifies factors, including economic vulnerability of households, determining children's participation in the labour market.
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[fre] Un modèle d'équilibre général, appliqué à la Côte-d'lvoire, . par Sylvie Lambert, Akiko Suwa.. . La Côte-d'lvoire a longtemps été considérée comme une économie performante et exemplaire. Cependant, la crise des années quatre-vingt met en evidence de la vulnérabilité de...
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How much economic mobility is there across generations in a poor, primarily rural, economy? How much do intergenerational linkages contribute to current inequality? We address these questions using original survey data on Senegal that include an individualized measure of consumption. While...
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How much economic mobility is there across generations in a poor, primarily rural, economy? How much do intergenerational linkages contribute to current inequality? We address these questions using original survey data on Senegal that include a sub-household measure of consumption for cells...
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