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L'objectif de cette étude est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes responsables de la hausse et de la persistance du chômage, en particulier le contraste Wallonie-Flandre. Ce travail prolonge des travaux antérieurs en intégrant simultanément dans l'analyse la...
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The proportion of capacity-constrained firms in European economies remains today fairly small, which suggests that capacity shortages cannot be the direct and single cause of unemployment persistence. Inferring from this observation that low investment rates play no role in explaining the...
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This paper reexamines the existence of a long-run relationship between wages and unemployment in the U.K., with data over the period 1860-1913 used by A.W. Phillips to derive the well-known Phillips Curve. Using Johansen's maximum likelihood method of testing for cointegration, a long-run...
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This paper examines the determinants of equilibrium wage and unemployment rates in Belgium within the framework of a quantity rationing, right-to-manage model with decentralised wage setting. Empirical results are obtained by first using the Johansen maximum-likelihood procedure for the analysis...
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We develop a model of equilibrium unemployment with endogenous real wages and productivity. We use a framework with explicit quantity constraints and aggregation over micromarkets to derive a Beveridge curve and discuss the relationship between shifts in the Beveridge curve and equilibrium...
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We develop a model of equilibrium unemployment with endogenous real wages and productivity. We use a framework with explicit quantity constraints and aggregation over micromarkets to derive a Beveridge curve and discuss the relationship between shifts in the Beveridge curve and equilibrium...
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This paper examines the determinants of equilibrium wage and unemployment rates in Belgium within the framework of a quantity rationing, right-to-manage model with decentralised wage setting. Empirical results are obtained by first using the Johansen maximum-likelihood procedure for the analysis...
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This paper examines the long-run or equilibrium relationship between wages, prices and the unemployment rate in the United Kingdom, using annual data covering the period 1860-1999. Using Johansen's maximum likelihood method of testing for cointegration, two long-run relations are found in a...
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This paper compares the effects of three policies that aim at fighting the low-skill unemployment problem in Belgium: reductions in employers?' social security contributions, hiring subsidies and in-work benefits. From evaluation studies and our analysis of the causes of unemployment in Belgium,...
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