Showing 1 - 10 of 13
Two series, German mark/US dollar exchange rate and US consumer price index, are tested to illustrate if nonlinear noise reduction could help to improve prediction. Three nonlinear noise reduction methods, local projective (LP), singular value decomposition (SVD) and simple nonlinear filtering...
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With the increase in cost of surface water, groundwater extraction for irrigation has become more competitive. Due to the interdependence of different water resources in a catchment, the management of all water resources should be integrated. An illustrative model is formulated of the dynamic...
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In a dynamic bio-economic multi-cohort analysis of fishing for a long lived species there can be a significant terminal value problem. The way this problem is dealt with can have a significant bearing on optimal policy recommendations. In this study, a bio-economic model of the Southern Bluefin...
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The size of the cost to the Australian beef industry of a potential loss of major beef export markets following an outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Australia is important in determining appropriate precautions. The size of this cost is evaluated with a dynamic bioeconomic model of...
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A criterion is proposed to determine the embedding dimension from symbolic sequences. Several artificial and DNA sequences are tested by using this criterion, and the likelihood of determinism in those sequences are investigated based on the results of the time-delay embedding. Some interesting...
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In recent years, a series of studies have been undertaken in Australia that use static general equilibrium models with a representative household to compare the relative efficiency of different Australian taxes. This paper aims to complement these earlier studies and contribute to a broader...
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Purpose – This paper aims to critically examine China's exchange rate policy debate and discuss Chinese financial and capital control reform of recent years. Furthermore, using the empirical results based on a regional general equilibrium model, alternative methods are suggested of addressing...
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