Showing 1 - 10 of 204
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We study multi-object auctions where agents have private and additive valuations for heterogeneous objects. We focus on the revenue properties of a class of dominant strategy mechanisms where a weight is assigned to each partition of objects. The weights influence the probability with which...
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We study the effects of allocative and informational externalities in (multi-object) auctions and related mechanisms. Such externalities naturally arise in models that embed auctions in larger economic contexts. In particular, they appear when there is downstream interaction among bidders after...
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We study efficient, Bayes-Nash incentive compatible mechanisms in a general social choice setting that allows for informationally interdependent valuations and for allocative externalities. We show that such mechanisms exist only if a congruence condition relating private and social rates of...
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We study a model that involves identity-dependent, asymmetric negative external effects. Willingness to pay, which can be computed only in equilibrium, will reflect, besides private valuations, also preemptive incentives stemming from the desire to minimize the negative externalities. We find...
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Externalities are shown to induce delays in negotiation games with complete and perfect information where a seller randomly meets one of the potential buyers at each stage of the game. Delays arise both in the finite and the infinite horizon game. In the finite horizon game, we identify delays...
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Combining the result of Palfrey (1983) about the role of bundling and the revenue equivalence theorem, this note shows that there is a conflict between revenue maximization and efficiency in multi-object auctions even with symmetric bidders.
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