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In this paper we develop a time series model which allows long-term disequilibriums to have epochs of non-stationarity, giving the impression that long term relationships between economic variables have temporarily broken down, before they endogenously collapse back towards their long term...
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In this paper we develop a time series model which allows long-term disequilibriums to have epochs of non-stationarity, giving the impression that long term relationships between economic variables have temporarily broken down, before they endogenously collapse back towards their long term...
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We develop Bayesian techniques for estimation and model comparison in a novel Generalised Stochastic Unit Root (GSTUR) model. This allows us to investigate the presence of a deterministic time trend in economic series, while allowing the degree of persistence to change over time. In particular...
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This paper makes use of the novel Generalized Stochastic Unit Root (GSTUR) model, Bayesian model estimation and model comparison techniques to investigate the presence of a deterministic time trend in economic series. The model is specified to allow for changes in persistence over time, such as...
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We study implications of persistence of shocks in total factor productivity (TFP) growth under Bayesian framework for a set of African countries over the period 1970-2003. Contrary to convention, we find that stochastic unit root is present for most of the African countries and that there is...
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This note presents possibly hitherto unnoticed, or only implicitly discussed, properties of the stochastic unit root process developed in Granger and Swanson (1997) and Leybourne, McCabe, and Tremayne (1996).
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This paper considers the properties of the tests of the null hypothesis of a random walk against the alternative of a stochastic unit root when the data are generated by a process related to, but not exactly equal to, the processes under the null and alternative. The extensive Monte Carlo...
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This paper considers the properties of the tests of the null hypothesis of a random walk against the alternative of a stochastic unit root when the data are generated by a process related to, but not exactly equal to, the processes under the null and alternative. The extensive Monte Carlo...
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This note shows that a very simple model can generate returns that resemble most of the temporal and distributional behavior of long returns surprisingly well. The model is based on the stochastic unit root process introduced in Granger and Swanson (1997).
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A time-varying autoregression is considered with a similarity-based coefficient and possible drift. It is shown that the random walk model has a natural interpretation as the leading term in a small-sigma expansion of a similarity model with an exponential similarity function as its...
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