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We introduce and analyze a Hotelling like game wherein players can locate in a city, at a fixed cost, according to an exogenously given order. Demand intensity is assumed to be strictly decreasing in distance and players locate in the city as long as it is profitable for them to do so. For a...
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In different industries, such as automobiles, chemicals, or retailing, competitors are joining forces in establishing electronic marketplaces to reduce inefficiencies in the purchasing process and cut costs by combining their buying power. Joining such an alliance leads to reduced costs,...
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Additional results are presented in this paper which further extend and modify the theory of cooperative games in characteristic function form so as to encompass situations where the values of the coalitions are random variables with given distribution functions. We reintroduce the prior...
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We study the extended Chinese postman (CP) cooperative game induced by a connected, weighted, undirected graph G, wherein a postman, starting from a post office location, needs to traverse all edges wherein players reside, before returning to the post-office. We characterize the graphs...
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In this paper, we study a decentralized assembly system consisting of a single assembler who buys complementary components from independent suppliers under two contracting schemes: push and pull. In both schemes, the component suppliers are allowed to freely form coalitions (or alliances) among...
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The main purpose of this study is to construct a suitable research and development (R&D) model which would facilitate the analysis of activity sequencing and resource allocation in R&D projects. In the proposed model, essential characteristics of R&D projects are incorporated. Namely, the...
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We introduce in this note the consistent organizational structure (COS) problem, which can be viewed as a generalization of the college admission and room-mates problems. Both the room-mates problem and the COS problem may have no stable solution. When side payments are allowed, the COS problem,...
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Granot and Hammer (Granot, F., P. L. Hammer. 1971. On the use of boolean functions in 0-1 programming. Operations Research, Statistics and Economic Mimeograph Series No. 70, Technion (August 1970). (Published in Methods of Oper. Res. 12 154-184); Granot, F., P. L. Hammer. 1975. On the role of...
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