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In this article we re-examine the mean-reverting property of the current account for the US, the UK, Canada and France. This is important because a current account that is not a stationary process implies that the external debts are unsustainable. The empirical results show that the current...
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This paper examines the long-run and causal relationships among unemployment, income and crime in Taiwan. The results clearly indicate that there is a long-run level equilibrium relationship among unemployment, income and total crime. There are also long-run relationships among unemployment,...
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This paper investigates whether or not there is co-waved merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in 26 OECD countries. We apply the Markov Switching model to panel data (MSP hereafter), an approach which has not previously been attempted. Two distinct regimes are recognized in emerge from M&A...
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A common result in the trade literature is that a small country will realize gains from a bilateral free trade agreement with a large country. McLaren (1997) casts aspersions on this traditional belief by demonstrating that irreversible investment in the small country, with the possibility of...
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By using an extended dataset for 19 developed countries, this study employs a recent unit root test to re-examine the issue of the non-stationarity of real per capita GDP. The results convincingly support the view that the real per capita GDPs of Australia, France, Germany, Japan, the UK and the...
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Using Taiwan data, we employ Dueker's (1997, 2002) Probit-Markov switching model toevaluate the performance of Taiwan''s leading indicator in identifying turning points.The merit of the Probit-MS model is that it incorporates the dependent structure of the leading indicator which is not taken...
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This paper explores the linear and non-linear causal relationship between stock price and trading volume in China. The empirical results substantiate that there is a long-run level equilibrium relationship between the stock price and trading volume in China. The results from the linear causality...
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Using 11 OECD countries data, this study employs a Markov Switching unit root regression to investigate the issue of the non-stationarity and non-linearity of stock prices. The results convincingly support the view that the stock prices in the OECD countries are characterized by a two-regime...
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This paper investigates the long-run neutrality of money using quarterly data of South Korea and Taiwan and the methodology of King and Watson (1997) particular attention is given to the integration and cointegration properties of the variables. Empirical evidence provides considerable support...
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