Showing 1 - 10 of 139
El estudio de las rentabilidades de las operaciones de los insiders corporativos es un tema vigente de investigaci¢n por sus importantes implicaciones tanto cient¡ficas (sobre la eficiencia del mercado) como pol¡ticas (efectividad de la regulaci¢n del insider trading). El presente trabajo...
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The current collapse of credit markets has left small and medium enterprises (SMEs) facing severe credit rationing. The practice of screening borrowers by risk level has become a paramount consideration for both lenders and firms. This paper represents the first empirical test of the screening...
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Este trabajo profundiza- sobre la base del modelo de Reed y DeFillippi (1990)- en las relaciones existentes entre tres caracter¡sticas que debe poseer un recurso para generar ambigedad causal y crear barreras a la imitaci¢n, es decir, en el car cter t cito del conocimiento, la complejidad de...
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La b£squeda de la eficiencia a trav‚s de la acci¢n conjunta, la cooperaci¢n y la orientaci¢n temporal es sin duda alguna una de las caracter¡sticas m s sobresalientes de las relaciones que actualmente entablan las empresas. Esta tendencia observada tiene su reflejo acad‚mico en el...
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This article proposes an agency model to explain the trade credit offer to clients. Our model is based on the existence of asymmetric information between sellers and buyers, which results in the appearance of two phenomena known as adverse selection and moral hazard. The former has already been...
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This paper analyzes the impact of auditing on the quality of accounting information of firms. Based on a sample of 237 firms listed in Spanish capital markets in 2002 and 2003, our study has two different scopes: the characteristics of the auditing committee and the relation of the firm with...
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This paper provides evidence on how the diversification strategy impact on the firm value. Furthermore the paper studies the effect of the levels and types of diversification on the firm value. To achieve this aim, we propose a value model that incorporates the level and type of diversification....
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es verificar el grado de cumplimiento de la normativa contable respecto a la informaci¢n fiscal a revelar en la memoria de las cuentas anuales consolidadas de las empresas del IBEX 35, entre los periodos 2002 a 2004 y 2005 a 2006, as¡ como poner de manifiesto...
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Este trabajo analiza el crecimiento empresarial desde el enfoque basado en los recursos (EBR), proponiendo un modelo integrador, que incide sobre los aspectos din micos, a partir de una revisi¢n de diferentes trabajos que desde este enfoque analizan distintos aspectos del proceso de...
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The main focus of this study is to answer the following question: Do performance differences exist among strategic groups and are these differences stable over time in a population of firms which has undergone fundamental environmental changes? Two alternative theoretical approaches are provided...
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