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With most of the available software packages, estimates of the parameter covariance matrix in a GARCH model are usually obtained from the outer products of the first derivatives of the log-likelihoods (BHHH estimator). However, other estimators could be defined and used, analogous to the...
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Five alternative techniques have been applied to measure the degree of uncertainty associated with the forecasts produced by a macro-model of the French economy, the Mini-DMS developed at INSEE. They are bootstrap, analytic simulation on coefficients, Monte Carlo on coefficients, parametric...
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This paper presents a Monte-Carlo study on the practical reliability of numerical algorithms for FIML-estimation in nonlinear econometric models. The performance of different techniques of Hessian approximation in trust-region algorithms is compared regarding their "robustness" against "bad"...
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Most of the methods proposed in the literature for evaluating forecast uncertainty in econometric models need an estimate of the structural coefficiencs covariance matrix among input data. When estimation is performed with full information maximum likelihood, alternative estimators of such a...
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Full information maximum likelihood estimation of econometric models, linear and nonlinear in variables, is performed by means of two gradient algorithms, using either the Hessian matrix or a computationally simpler approximation. In the first part of the paper, the behavior of the two methods...
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The drawbacks of forecasts obtained with the usual deterministic solution methods in nonlinear systems of stochastic equations have been widely investigated in the literature. Most of the proposed therapies are based on some estimation of the conditional mean of the endogenous variables in the...
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In econometric models, estimates of the asymptotic covariance matrix of FIML coefficients are traditionally computed in several different ways: with a generalized least squares type matrix; using the Hessian of the concentrated log-likelihood; using the outer product of the first derivatives of...
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A method for evaluating the reliability of policy recommendations derived from a linear dynamic structural econometric model in the framework of the linear quadratic control problem has been recently proposed by Friedmann (1980, 1981). The method analytically derives the asymptotic distribution...
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