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On presume souvent que les changements sur le marche du travail tels qu'un accroissement de l'incidence du travail a temps partiel ou saisonnier, du cumul de plusieurs emplois ou du travail independant sont regis par des variations de la demande, c'est-a-dire qu'ils resultent d'un manque de...
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Dans cet article, on fait etat de nouvelles donnees sur les relations entre l'acces aux etudes postsecondaires et les antecedents familiaux. A cette fin, on utilise les donnees tirees de l'Enquete aupres des sortants (EAS) et celles de l'Enquete aupres des jeunes en transition (EJET) pour...
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Changes in the labour market such as an increase in the incidence of part-time, part-year work, multiple job holding and self-employment have often been conjectured as demand-driven shifts - that is, that they have resulted from a lack of more traditional job opportunities rather than in...
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This paper presents new evidence on the relationships between access to postsecondary education and family background. It uses the School Leavers Survey (SLS) and the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) to analyse participation rates in 1991 and 2000.
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We utilize a multinomial probit model and the 2007 National Apprenticeship Survey (NAS) to investigate the persistence behaviour of individuals enrolled in apprenticeship programs. These behaviours include continuing, discontinuing (or quitting) and completing programs. The NAS contains detailed...
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This paper examines how yhe Workers' Compensation (WC) and the Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs interact to influence the duration of claims due to workplace accidents. We use longitudinal WC administrative micro-data on more than 30,000 workers in the Quebec construction industry for the...
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This paper examines how the Workers' Compensation (WC) and Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs interact to influence the duration of claims due to workplace accidents. We use longitudinal WC administrative micro-data on more than 30,000 workers in the Canadian construction industry for the...
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This study uses the 2007 National Apprenticeship Survey (NAS) to compare hourly wage differences observed between apprentices who complete their programs and apprentices who discontinue their programs. The primary objective is to estimate the magnitude of the wage difference between these groups...
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Dans la presente etude, on examine les strategies de gestion du revenu des couples canadiens dont au moins un des conjoints ou partenaires est age de 45 ans et plus a l'aide des donnees de l'Enquete sociale generale de 2007. On tache de determiner dans quelle mesure les couples optent pour...
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