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As a renewable energy technology, the ground-source heat pump (GSHP) technologies have increasingly attracted world-wide attention due to their advantages of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. This paper presents Chinese research and application on GSHP followed by descriptions of...
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In this paper we price a precipitation option based on empirical weather data from Germany using different pricing methods, among them the burn analysis, index value simulation and daily simulation. For that purpose we develop a daily precipitation model. Moreover, a decorrelation analysis is...
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Systemic weather risk is a major obstacle for the formation of private (nonsubsidized) crop insurance. This paper explores the possibility of spatial diversification of insurance by estimating the joint occurrence of unfavorable weather conditions in different locations. For that purpose copula...
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Es ist seit langem bekannt, dass das Wetter den Hauptunsicherheitsfaktor in der pflanzlichen Produktion darstellt. Seit einiger Zeit wird der Einsatz von Wetterderivaten zur Absicherung gegen wetterbedingte Ertragsschwankungen diskutiert. In diesem Beitrag wird am Beispiel ei-nes...
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This study examines rainfall variability and its implications for wheat production risk in northeast Germany. The hedging effectiveness of rainfall options and the role of geographical basis risk are analyzed using a daily precipitation model. Simpler pricing methods such as the burn analysis...
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In this paper we consider the Cox correlated risk model perturbed by a diffusion (Wiener) process. We first derive an analog of the Bernstein-Kolmogorov inequality for the probabilities of large deviations of Cox random sums. Then an exponential upper-bound which deals with the estimate of ruin...
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In this paper we aim to explore the segmentation structure of Chinese labor markets, especially gender-related segmentation, at a local level. Through a case-study approach, the discussion is centered on the multiple dualities of the local labor market determined by gender, place, migration, and...
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There is considerable debate in the literature on the extent and magnitude of Chinese rural land-use change since the onset of reforms in 1978. Moreover, there is little agreement on the factors leading to rural land-use change. Urbanization of the countryside, rural industrialization and...
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This paper deals with the following question associated with congestion pricing in a general network with either fixed or elastic travel demand: what is the maximum efficiency loss of a general second-best pricing scheme due to inexact marginal-cost pricing in comparison with the first-best...
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In this study, a novel forecasting model based on the Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) is proposed to predict the monthly crude oil spot price. In the proposed model, the OECD industrial petroleum inventory level is used as an independent variable, and the Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) is used to...
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