Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Im Zuge der sukzessiven Verknappung des Erdöls als Energierohstoff durch sinkende Fördermengen und steigende Nachfrage in Schwellenländern - dazu der drohende Klimawandel - findet bei Stadt- und Raumplanung eine verstärkte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema der post-fossilen Lebensweise statt....
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In order to understand the different characteristics observed in real-world networks, one needs to analyze how and why networks form, the impact of network structure on agents' outcomes, and the evolution of networks over time. For this purpose, we combine a network game introduced by Ballester...
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Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist eine Zwischenbewertung der Maßnahmen, die von den Europäischen Strukturfonds in der ersten Hälfte der GFK-Programmperiode von 1994 bis 1996 in den neuen Bundesländern gefördert worden sind. Zum ersten Untersuchungsteil gehören eine Analyse der...
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We consider a dynamic model of network formation where agents form and sever links based on the centrality of their potential partners. We show that the existence of capacity constrains in the amount of links an agent can maintain introduces a transition from dissortative to assortative...
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We study from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective how a network of military alliances and enmities affects the intensity of a conflict. The model combines elements from network theory and from the politico-economic theory of conflict. We postulate a Tullock contest success function...
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We develop a dynamic network formation model that can explain the observed nestedness in real-world networks. Links are formed on the basis of agents’ centrality and have an exponentially distributed life time. We use stochastic stability to identify the networks to which the network formation...
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We develop a tractable dynamic model of productivity growth and technology spillovers that is consistent with the emergence of real world empirical productivity distributions. Firms can improve productivity by engaging in in-house R&D, or alternatively, by trying to imitate other firms’...
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We study a structural model of R&D alliance networks in which firms jointly form R&D collaborations to lower their production costs while competing on the product market. We derive the Nash equilibrium of this game, provide a welfare analysis and determine the optimal R&D subsidy program that...
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