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This paper presents a simple d–q model of a saturated multi-phase (six-phase) self-excited induction generator (SP-SEIG). Performance equations for this machine are given which utilize the saturated magnetizing inductance Lm=(λm/im) and its derivative (dLm/dim) rather than dynamic inductance...
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This paper presents the steady-state behavior of a series compensated (short-shunt) self-excited six-phase induction generator (SPSEIG) configured to operate as stand-alone electric energy source in conjunction with a hydro power plant. A purely experimental treatment is provided with the...
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This paper presents a simple method for finding the suitable value of shunt and series capacitance necessary to initiate self excitation and self-regulation (voltage regulation) in a self-excited six-phase induction generator (SPSEIG) for stand-alone renewable energy generation in conjunction...
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The various forms of solar energy – solar heat, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal electricity, and solar fuels offer a clean, climate-friendly, very abundant and in-exhaustive energy resource to mankind. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using...
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This paper presents the steady-state behavior of a SPSG (six-phase synchronous generator) configured to operate as a stand-alone electric energy source in conjunction with a hydro power plant. A purely experimental treatment is provided with the emphasis placed on operating regimes that...
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This paper presents a mathematical model of six-phase synchronous generator (SPSG) for analysis of its transient and dynamic behavior for stand-alone renewable energy generation in conjunction with a hydro power plant. In the analytical model, effect of common mutual leakage reactance between...
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