Showing 1 - 10 of 201
Support for the Taylor principle is considerable but the focus of empirical investigation has been on estimated coefficients at the mean of the interest rate distribution. We offer a new approach that estimates the response of interest rates to inflation and the output gap at various points...
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Making accurate forecasts of the future direction of interest rates is a vital element when making economic decisions. The focus on central banks as they make decisions about the future direction of interest rates requires the forecaster to assess the likely outcome of committee decisions based...
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Support for the Taylor principle is considerable but the focus of empirical investigation has been on estimated coefficients at the mean of the interest rate distribution. We offer a new approach that estimates the response of interest rates to inflation and that output gap at various points...
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The importance of truncated distributions for bias in estimation is demonstrated for a Japanese policy reaction function. Due to the proximity of a zero lower bound (ZLB) on interest rates, coefficient estimates can be biased upwards. This paper illustrates the importance of measuring and...
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Making accurate forecasts of the future direction of interest rates is a vital element when making economic decisions. The focus on central banks as they make decisions about the future direction of interest rates requires the forecaster to assess the likely outcome of committee decisions based...
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Making accurate forecasts of the future direction of interest rates is a vital element when making economic decisions. The focus on central banks as they make decisions about the future direction of interest rates requires the forecaster to assess the likely outcome of comittee decisions based...
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This paper uses a modified New Keynesian framework to consider the use of monetary information in making monetary policy decisions. We add monetary indicators derived from theoretical models to conventional economic variables in an instrument rule and estimate the equations using euroarea and UK...
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This paper offers a new approach that estimates the response of interest rates to inflation and the output gap at various points (quantiles) on the conditional distribution of interest rates. This offers an improvement on empirical estimates conducted only at the mean and also allows us to test...
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We consider an experiment where we use the Taylor rule information set, inflation and the output gap, to predict the next change in monetary policy for the United Kingdom 1992 - 2000. To do this we use a limited dependent variable approach, where the next rate change could be `upwards',...
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In this paper we propose tests for the null hypothesis that a time series process displays a constant level against the alternative that it displays (possibly) multiple changes in level. Our proposed tests are based on functions of appropriately standardized sequences of the differences between...
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