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Fixed point theorems are the standard tool used to prove the existence of equilibria in mathematical economics. This paper shows how to prove a slight generalization of Brouwer's and Kakutani's fixed point theorems using the familiar techniques of drawing and shifting curves in the plane and is,...
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Der Preisanpassungsprozess im Oligopol wird untersucht. Unter recht allgemeinen Voraussetzungen an die (lineare) Preis-Nachfrage-Funktionen der Akteure werden verschiedene Strategien diskutiert, wie z. B. die klassische Cournot-Nash-Lösung, die Launhardt-Hotelling-Strategie, die Stackelbergsche...
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Advocates of consensual political institutions, i.e. institutions that promote compromise and powersharing among political parties, claim that these institutions promote moderation in government policy outputs. To date, however, there exists little research – either theoretical or empirical...
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This paper studies the interaction between a governmental security agency, as the Transportation Security Agency, or the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and a terrorist organization, like Al Qaeda. The governmental agency wants to stop the terrorists, but first must infer whether a visa...
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We explore methods for solving continuous-time, finite-state dynamic games, and document the advantages of such models over comparable discrete-time models. In particular, continuous-time models are more flexible since they avoid lumpiness in time, and computational methods for continuous-time...
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Considering a pure coordination game with a large number of equivalent equilibria, we argue, first, that a focal point that is itself not a Nash equilibrium and is Pareto dominated by all Nash equilibria, may attract the players' choices. Second, we argue that such a non-equilibrium focal point...
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We consider a two-stage voluntary provision model where individuals in a family contribute to inter-family public goods, and, at the same time, the parent makes private transfers to her child within the same family. We show not only that Warr’s neutrality holds regardless of the different...
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This paper examines the existence of strategic solutions to finite normal form games under the assumption that strategy choices can be described as choices among lotteries where players have security- and potential level preferences over lotteries (e.g., Cohen, Theory and Decision, 33,...
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With the continuing growth of the use of the Internet for business purposes, the consequences of a possible cyber attack that could create a large scale outage of long time duration becomes a more and more serious economic issue. In this paper, we construct a game-theoretic model that addresses...
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