Showing 1 - 10 of 44
This paper reviews the policy response to the 2007–09 financial crisis from the perspective of a senior Treasury official at the time. Government agencies faced severe constraints in addressing the crisis: lack of legal authority for potentially helpful financial stabilization measures, a...
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This paper presents a flexible, lattice-based structural credit risk model that uses equity market information and a detailed depiction of a financial institution’s liability structure to analyze default risk. The model is applied to examine the term structure of default probabilities for...
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This article investigates the dynamics of conditional correlation among the G14 banks’ dealer for the credit default swap market from January 2004 until May 2009. By using the asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model developed by Cappiello, Engle and Sheppard (2006), we examine if...
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We proceed to an impulse-response analysis on the conditional correlations between three stock indices returns: the S&P 500, the ftse 100 and the Nikkei 225. As a first step, a general asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation (ga-dcc) model proposed by Cappiello, Engle and Sheppard [2006] is...
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There are two possible responses to the Greek debt crisis: 'Plan A', continued official lending, for as long as needed, with possible voluntary private sector involvement, and 'Plan B', coercive pre-emptive or post-default restructuring with significant face value reduction in privately-held...
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There are two possible responses to the Greek debt crisis: 'Plan A', continued official lending, for as long as needed, with possible voluntary private sector involvement, and 'Plan B', coercive pre-emptive or post-default restructuring with significant face value reduction in privately-held...
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In this paper, we employ the high-frequency data from Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to analyse the variation in extreme price movements and market volatility around the period of fall of Lehman Brothers. The sample ranges from January 2008 to July 2009. We employ...
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en este artículo examinamos la experiencia de las participaciones preferentes, un producto financiero mediante el cual han sido estafadas decenas de miles de familias españolas. Se trata de un activo muy utilizado por las entidades financieras para captar recursos de pequeños ahorradores a...
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