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intervention policies in reducing persistence of education outcomes across generations. There is also a positive association …, hence, persistence of education outcomes across generations.<P>Équité et compétences scolaires dans les pays de l …
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This paper breaks new ground by providing comparable estimates of intergenerational wage and education persistence … high in southern European countries, as well as in the United Kingdom. Likewise, intergenerational persistence in education … wages and education tends to be lower in Nordic countries. In addition, empirical results show that education is one …
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more mobile. Furthermore, public policies such as education and early childcare play a role in explaining observed … sont disponibles, une relation positive et significative entre l’origine sociale et familiale et le niveau d’éducation et …
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While universal health coverage (UHC) offers a powerful goal for a nation, all countries-irrespective of income are struggling with achieving or sustaining UHC. France is a high-income country where HC is in effect universal. Health-related costs are covered by a mix of mandatory social health...
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This paper assesses the potential to raise public spending efficiency in the primary and secondary education sector …...<P>Indicateurs de performance de l'efficacité des dépenses publiques d'éducation dans l'enseignement primaire et secondaire …<BR>Ce document évalue les possibilités d'accroître l'efficacité des dépenses publiques d'éducation dans l'enseignement primaire et …
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Finland is committed to high quality and extensive public services and a high level of income redistribution. The heavy tax burden these commitments require is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain due to tax competition and the need to harmonise certain taxes with other EU countries. These...
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The Australian education system fares well in international comparison with regards to PISA test scores and the higher … education system attracts an increasing number of foreign students. Vocational education and training (VET) is an important part … of the post–secondary education system, equipping individuals with the skills to enter or re–enter the labour force and …
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Improving education outcomes is vital for achieving convergence with GDP per capita levels in Western European … countries and for reducing income inequality. While some education outcomes are favourable, such as the low secondary …-school drop-out rate, others have room for improvement: education achievement is below the OECD average and strongly influenced by …
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This paper provides initial reflections on the impact of the economic crisis on education across the OECD area by … analysing the OECD educationtoday crisis survey responses of June 2009. It first looks at the impact of the crisis on education … demand and participation, after which the focus turns to the supply side and education financing. The paper suggests that …
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expenditure, however, has been on large capital-intensive projects rather than on education and other social spending. More … emphasis on education would help reduce the income gap, since human capital is a key determinant of income. Government policies …. Toutefois, les dépenses ont, pour l’essentiel, privilégié les grands projets à forte intensité de capital par rapport à l’éducation …
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