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See for a slightly more elaborate version. …
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The Cartier-Perrin theorem, which was published in 1995 and is expressed in the language of nonstandard analysis, permits, for the first time perhaps, a clear-cut mathematical definition of the volatility of a financial asset. It yields as a byproduct a new understanding of the means of returns,...
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An elementary arbitrage principle and the existence of trends in financial time series, which is based on a theorem published in 1995 by P. Cartier and Y. Perrin, lead to a new understanding of option pricing and dynamic hedging. Intricate problems related to violent behaviors of the underlying,...
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A new standpoint on financial time series, without the use of any mathematical model and of probabilistic tools, yields not only a rigorous approach of trends and volatility, but also efficient calculations which were already successfully applied in automatic control and in signal processing. It...
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Systematic and multifactor risk models are revisited via methods which were already successfully developed in signal processing and in automatic control. The results, which bypass the usual criticisms on those risk modeling, are illustrated by several successful computer experiments.
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Causation between time series is a most important topic in econometrics, financial engineering, biological and psychological sciences, and many other fields. A new setting is introduced for examining this rather abstract concept. The corresponding calculations, which are much easier than those...
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. Online: in order to propose a model-free setting for delta hedging. It avoids most of …
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Elementary techniques from operational calculus, differential algebra, and noncommutative algebra lead to a new approach for change-point detection, which is an important field of investigation in various areas of applied sciences and engineering. Several successful numerical experiments are...
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New fast estimation methods stemming from control theory lead to a fresh look at time series, which bears some resemblance to "technical analysis". The results are applied to a typical object of financial engineering, namely the forecast of foreign exchange rates, via a "model-free" setting,...
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We derive two new technical indicators for trading systems and risk management. They stem from trends in time series, the existence of which has been recently mathematically demonstrated by the same authors (A mathematical proof of the existence of trends in financial time series, Proc. Int....
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