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In the aftermath of the financial crisis, it has been argued that a guideline for the design of the future policy framework should be to take the ‘a’ out of ‘asymmetry’ in the way monetary policy deals with asset price movements. Recent empirical evidence has suggested that the Federal...
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Using Bayesian estimation techniques, we estimatea small open economy dynamic stochastic generalequilibrium model with credit-market imperfectionsfor the Colombian economy. We show thatthe combination of balance sheet effects and thechoice of monetary policy regime are likely to playan important...
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This paper proposes a methodology for measuring credit booms and uses it to identify credit booms in emerging and industrial economies over the past four decades. In addition, we use event study methods to identify the key empirical regularities of credit booms in macroeconomic aggregates and...
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Fifty years ago Milton Friedman published a book entitled A Program for Monetary Stability. In it he outlined a number of suggestions for the conduct of monetary and fiscal policies that he thought would contribute to monetary stability and pari passu to price stability and a greater degree of...
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Financial innovation is widely believed to be at least partly responsible for the recent financial crisis. At the same time, there are empirical and theoretical arguments that support the view that changes in financial markets played a role in the "great moderation". If both are true, then the...
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This paper gives an account of the Swedish financial crisis covering the period 1985–2000, dealing with financial deregulation and the boom in the late 1980s, the bust and the financial crisis in the early 1990s, the recovery from the crisis and the bank resolution policy adopted during the...
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Este artículo presenta un análisis cuantitativo del impacto de la política monetaria sobre las tasas de interés de los créditos hipotecarios, tanto en el largo como en el corto plazo. En primer lugar, los resultados de los ejercicios econométricos confirman la existencia de una relación...
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Is liberalization in developing countries good for growth even if it leads to crises? The answer is a clear yes. But then, how can we explain the less-than-stellar growth performance of Mexico, a prominent liberalizer and member of NAFTA? In this paper we address these questions by analyzing the...
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This paper builds a general equilibrium, financial accelerator model hat incorporates an explicit technology for the intermediary sector. Acredit multiplier emerges because of a borrowing constraint that is a function of asset prices, internal funds and lending rates. With this financial...
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The financial market turmoil in 2007 and 2008 has led to the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression and threatens to have large repercussions on the real economy. The bursting of the housing bubble forced banks to write down several hundred billion dollars in bad loans caused by...
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