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This paper extends the linear lasso estimators to non-linear case. We are especially interested in GMM type of Lasso estimators. Lasso estimators are generalization of ridge regression in least squares. With this setup we can deal with identification problem introduced by weak instruments. When...
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The instrumental variables strategy is commonly employed in empirical research. For correct inference using this econometric technique, the instruments must be perfectly exogenous and relevant. In fact, the standard t-ratio test statistic used in this context yields unreliable and often...
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Although there is a consensus about time variation in market betas, it is not clear how this variation should be captured. Several researchers continue to analyze different versions of the conditional CAPM. However, Ghysels (1998) shows that these conditional CAPM models fail to capture the...
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This article analyses exponential tilting estimator with weak instruments in a nonlinear framework. Our paper differs from the previous literature in the context of consistency proof. Tests that are robust to the identification problem are also analysed. These are Anderson-Rubin and Kleibergen...
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Currently, the commonly employed instrumental variables strategy relies on the knife-edge assumption of perfect exogeneity for valid inference. To make reliable inferences on the structural parameters under violations of exogeneity one must know the true correlation between the structural error...
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This paper develops an asymptotic theory of inference for a two-regime threshold autoregressive (TAR) model with an autoregressive root which is local-to-unity. We find that the asymptotic null distribution of the Wald test for a threshold is non-standard and mildly dependent on the...
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This paper develops an asymptotic theory of inference for an unrestricted two-regime threshold autoregressive (TAR) model with an autoregressive unit root. We find that the asymptotic null distribution of Wald tests for a threshold are nonstandard and different from the stationary case, and...
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