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We propose new measures of both risk and anticipated return that incorporate the effects of skewness and heavy tails from a financial return’s probability distribution. Our cosine-based analysis, which involves maximizing the marginal Shannon information associated with the Fourier transform...
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In this paper we discuss an analytical method in pricing contingent claims of European style on the assets, whose state variables follow a multi-dimensional Levy process. We give explicit formulae for the hypothetical ``two-price'' contingent claim prices by means of the conditional...
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Ann-dimensional random vector is said to have an[alpha]-symmetric distribution,[alpha]0, if its characteristic function is of the form[phi]((u1[alpha]+...+un[alpha])1/[alpha]). We study the classes[Phi]n([alpha]) of all admissible functions[phi]: [0, [infinity])--. It is known that members...
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We investigate the partial differential equation (PDE) for pricing interest derivatives in the multi-factor Cheyette Model, which involves time-dependent volatility functions with a special structure. The high dimensional parabolic PDE that results is solved numerically via a modified sparse...
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We investigate the robustness of existing methods to calibrate the Cheyette interest rate model to at-the-money swaption, caps and floors. Existing algorithms may fail, because they suffer from numerical instability of derivatives. Therefore, we apply derivative-free techniques and find that...
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We discuss some inference problems associated with the fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (fO–U) process driven by the fractional Brownian motion (fBm). In particular, we are concerned with the estimation of the drift parameter, assuming that the Hurst parameter <InlineEquation ID="IEq1"> <EquationSource Format="TEX">$$H$$</EquationSource> <EquationSource Format="MATHML"> <math xmlns:xlink=""> <mi>H</mi> </math> </EquationSource> </InlineEquation> is known and is in <InlineEquation ID="IEq2"> <EquationSource...</equationsource></inlineequation></equationsource></equationsource></inlineequation>
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<Para ID="Par1">We obtain an explicit expression for the price of a vulnerable claim written on a stock whose predefault dynamics follows a Lévy-driven SDE. The stock jumps to zero at default with a hazard rate given by a negative power of the stock price. We recover the characteristic function of the terminal...</para>
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This paper investigates the properties of a linearized stochastic volatility (SV) model originally from Harvey et al. (Rev Econ Stud 61:247–264, <CitationRef CitationID="CR20">1994</CitationRef>) under an extended flexible specification (discrete mixtures of normal). General closed form expressions for the moment conditions are derived....</citationref>
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In this paper, we present the general contribution of n-person game in turbulent environment of parliamentary coalitions. Same basic data about the coalition form and the characteristic function is necessary in order to connect n-person game theory and behavioral game theory. Taking the Norway...
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Based on a random sample of size <InlineEquation ID="IEq3"> <EquationSource Format="TEX">$$n$$</EquationSource> <EquationSource Format="MATHML"> <math xmlns:xlink=""> <mi>n</mi> </math> </EquationSource> </InlineEquation> from an unknown <InlineEquation ID="IEq4"> <EquationSource Format="TEX">$$d$$</EquationSource> <EquationSource Format="MATHML"> <math xmlns:xlink=""> <mi>d</mi> </math> </EquationSource> </InlineEquation>-dimensional density <InlineEquation ID="IEq5"> <EquationSource Format="TEX">$$f$$</EquationSource> <EquationSource Format="MATHML"> <math xmlns:xlink=""> <mi>f</mi> </math> </EquationSource> </InlineEquation>, the nonparametric estimations of a single integrated density partial derivative functional as well as a vector of such functionals are considered. These single and vector functionals...</equationsource></equationsource></inlineequation></equationsource></equationsource></inlineequation></equationsource></equationsource></inlineequation>
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