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I present the fact that wage gaps due to firm size increase with job responsibility. I use Swedish data to determine whether wage gaps increase with a direct measure of job responsibility, to compare the age patterns of the wage gaps for blue- and white-collar workers, and to compare wages by...
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I estimate the relative magnitudes of worker switching costs and whether the employer switching of experienced engineers responds to outside wage offers. Institutional features imply that voluntary turnover dominates switching in the market for Swedish engineers from 1970 to 1990. I use data on...
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We propose an estimator for discrete choice models, such as the logit, with a nonparametric distribution of random coefficients. The estimator is linear regression subject to linear inequality constraints and is robust, simple to program and quick to compute compared to alternative estimators...
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We empirically study bidding in the C Block of the US mobile phone spectrum auctions. Spectrum auctions are conducted using a simultaneous ascending auction design that allows bidders to assemble packages of licenses with geographic complementarities. While this auction design allows the market...
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The random coefficients multinomial choice logit model, also known as the mixed logit, has been widely used in empirical choice analysis for the last thirty years. We prove that the distribution of random coefficients in the multinomial logit model is nonparametrically identified. Our approach...
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I estimate the relative magnitudes of worker switching costs and whether the employer switching of experienced engineers responds to outside wage offers. Institutional features imply that voluntary turnover dominates switching in the market for Swedish engineers from 1970 to 1990. I use data on...
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Firms in the same industry can differ in measured total factor productivity (TFP) by multiples of 3. Griliches <p> (1957) suggests one explanation: the quality of inputs differs across firms. Labor inputs are traditionally <p> measured only as the number of workers. We investigate whether adjusting...</p></p>
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The US mobile phone industry has dramatically consolidated through mergers. We investigate whether a merger increases the performance of a combined carrier over the sum of its constituent parts. We first directly compare the quantities of post-merger carriers to those of their pre-merger...
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The initial wireless phone industry in the United States had many competitors, but due to mergers and acquisitions the industry has become highly consolidated. This paper documents the history of the consolidation. More importantly, I use the geographic path of consolidation to distinguish...
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