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La política de competencia y la expedición de la normatividad sobre la misma en Colombia han sido desarrolladas por los gobiernos atendiendo a las coyunturas políticas y económicas de cada momento. Igualmente, dicha evolución normativa se ha visto fuertemente influenciada por desarrollos...
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This paper uses a two-sided market model of hospital competition to study the implications of different remunerations schemes on the physicians’ side. The two-sided market approach is characterized by the concept of common network externality (CNE) introduced by Bardey et al. (2010). This type...
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We consider platform competition in a two-sided market, where the two sides (buyers and sellers) have ex-ante uncertainty and ex-post asymmetric information concerning the value of a new technology. We find that platform competition may lead to a market failure: competition may result in a lower...
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For quite a long time, network industries used to be regarded as (natural) monopolies. This was due to these industries having some special characteristics. Network externalities and economies of scale in particular justified the (natural) monopoly thesis. Recently, however, a trend towards...
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The European Court of Justice’s definition of when a firm has a dominant position <p> has recently come under attack as being meaningless and impossible to measure. We argue that <p> both attacks are wrong, suggest an economic interpretation of domination and propose how it may <p> be measured using...</p></p></p>
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The authors investigate the impact of exogenous product market competition shocks on returns to skills in Italy using a new longitudinal dataset on individual working histories. This impact is identified using three exogenous shocks affecting competition: the unforeseen devaluation of the Lira...
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Para hacer realidad su potencial exportador lechero, el país debe crear los mecanismos financieros y de apoyo que soporten las transformaciones productivas y comerciales que ello demanda. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo la evaluación de algunos mecanismos de estabilización y...
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We demonstrate the possibility of shake-out of firms and emergence of inter-firmheterogeneity along the (socially optimal) dynamic equilibrium path of a competitive industry with freeentry and exit, even when there is no uncertainty and all firms are ex ante identical with perfectforesight....
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This paper investigates the characteristics of the optimal posted price in the standard sequential search paradigm. Much of the intuition gleaned from the extensive sequential search literature in which the seller adopts a reservation price does not carry over to the posted price setting. For...
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We are concerned with economic analyses of markets from the perspective of supporting a decision maker selling in the market. The competitive pressure and the price formation are central issues. The goal of this paper is to highlight the remarkably different price patterns obtained from...
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