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In an influential article Tornell and Lane (1999) considered an economy populated by multiple powerful groups in which property rights in the formal sector of production are not protected. They obtained conditions under which the groups appropriate output from the formal sector in order to...
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We analyse an economy that lacks a strong legal-political institutional infrastructure and is populated by multiple powerful groups. Powerful groups dynamically interact via a fiscal process that effectively allows open access to the aggregate capital stock. In equilibrium, this leads to slow...
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The literature on aid effectiveness has focused more on recipient policies than the determinants of aid allocation yet a consistent result is that political allies obtain more aid from donors than non-allies. This paper shows that aid allocated to political allies is ineffective for growth,...
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Küreselleþmenin kontrol edilemez boyutlara ulaþtýðý günümüz dünyasýnda sosyal, siyasi ve kültürel alandaki geliþmeler ve deðiþiklikler ekonomik büyümeye verilen önemi daha da anlamlý kýlmaktadýr. Bu baðlamda beþeri sermaye faktörü, ekonomik büyümenin...
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The paper estimates an empirical relation based on Krugman's "technological gap" model to explore the influence of the pattern of international trade and production on the overall productivity growth of a developing country. A key result is that increased import competition in medium-growth (but...
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This paper assesses the non linear impact of external debt on growth using panel data for 93 developing countries. The estimates support a non-linear, hump-shaped, relationship between debt and growth, especially when the debt burden is measured relative to GDP. For a country with average...
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Economic growth and development is a complicated process that falls into the domain of many disciplines in social sciences and humanities. It is natural then to study fundamental aspects of economic growth synthesizing research in relevant fields. In this short paper, we argue that this has...
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A new empirical field of research in economics shows that policies characterized by economic freedom produce economic growth. “Economic freedom” means such things as a small government, protection of private property, a well-functioning legal system, free competition and few regulations. The...
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This paper explores the quantitative implications of a class of endogenous growth models for cross-country income differences. These models exhibit international spillovers, no scale effects and conditional convergence, and thus they overcome some difficulties faced by the early generation of...
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This paper puts forward the idea that the dynamics of national innovation systems is driven by the coevolution of two main dimensions: innovative capability and absorptive capacity. The empirical analysis employs a broad set of indicators measuring national innovative capabilities and absorptive...
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